-----[Planet: Aeneanastor] [Location: Downtown Docks]----- 30 minutes after time warp The dripping of blood woke Paul from his deep slumber. As his bloodshot eyes opened up, his senses started to return to him. The numbness on his face began to fade, and he was repulsed by the cold stone ground beneath him. His entire body was sore, but Paul managed to get himself up off of the ground and out of the pool of his own blood. His nose was still dripping, though oddly Paul could not remember the cause. There was a lot that Paul couldn't remember, actually, but whatever he was forgetting, he knew it was very important. But what was it? Paul started to walk. A bit of a challenge at first, since his legs were weak, but he managed to limp over to the edge of the docks, right above the water. [i]Strange,[/i] Paul thought, confused. [i]Isn't my ship supposed to be here? And why am I so bloody?[/i] Paul's knees gave out from under him, and he fell down to look at the murky water below. He stared for the longest time at his war-torn reflection. He looked so much older, with scars cracking along his face, and blood splattered over his entire body. As he moved his hand along one of the scars, his memories flooded back to his mind. His heart was immediately heavy with sorrow and loss. All of his friends, people that he had fought side-by-side with, were slaughtered mercilessly in a surprise attack. Their bodies were defiled and used as another tool to bring about the end of the Archons, a tactic which could only be done by beings of pure evil. Tears began to flow down Paul's face, a feeling unfamiliar to him. The tears intermingled with the blood dripping from his nose and mouth, an effect of the time warp that he was forced to initiate. Taking a few minutes to calm himself, Paul replaced his sorrow with a thirst for revenge. Paul stood up, quickly now, reinvigorated by the new possibility he had made not only for himself, but for his closest companion, Marcus and his lover, Maya. As the presence of his spirit guide, Corvus, returned to him, they both agreed that they couldn't let his friend's sacrifice be in vain. The survivors would carry on their legacy, not scattering the memory of them to the heartless void but instead using that memory to fuel the passion of vengeance. Paul's hands tightened into fists as he looked out into the sky beyond. It was time to end this.