Ling set her crossbow aside as Nataly mentioned her fellow Alchemist. Tristam, Tristam... where had she heard that name? Oh, right, he was an Adept, like herself, and he ran the distillery down the hall from her lab. He didn't seem to do all that great a job, judging by the smell. Or was all alcohol like that? Ling didn't know. She wasn't the type to mix up something to [i]impede[/i] a fellow student's focus. "Yeah, I do spend most of my time working on my recipes, when I'm not out buying more vials 'cause I smash so many of them," she eventually answered, taking back the empty vial and stowing it in a loop on her belt. "Tristam's... well, average, really. I mean no disrespect, but if you want to drink the cheap and quick stuff until you start seeing flying pink and blue weasels, you ask him. If you want something to get rid of your soul-crushing headache the next morning so you can get your work done, you come to me. Restoratives, Invigorators, All-Nighter Tonics, you need any kind of booster to get through the day, I can make it." She hoped she didn't sound too prideful... or scornful of her fellow Alchemist. "Though I do agree I need to find some sort of component that gives my potions a better flavour. I'll write that down later: look into sweeter things with no alchemical properties that'll throw off the intended effect." Sugar, whether raw or refined, turned Ling's healing potions useless - it countered the herbal components - and it was already a key ingredient in her All-Nighters. Maybe a fruit juice of some kind would work. She filed that thought away for later use. "What about yourself? Do you visit any of the towns near the Academy?"