Dimitri jammed his index finger and thumb into his mouth and whistled loudly in approval of Zaheer's abilities. The guy had awesome abilities and energy abound, two things that were immediately considered pluses by Dimitri. After Zaheer gave his performance, Dimitri began to bound towards teh stage, however he stopped upon noticing two things the first was the metal that clung to his neck and collar bone, which he quickly broke off, the second, was the stand that had once held the punching bag that Zaheer had torn open. "[color=8882be]Oh, um, gimmie a sec![/color]" He said before running over and grabbing the stand to drag it onto the stage. The process was a bit awkward -Dimitri had nearly slipped on sand twice- but he eventually got the stand onto the stage. Dimitri tapped the stand experimentally to see if it was nice and sturdy before clearing his throat, "[color=8882be]Since this thing's already busted, I hope you guys don't mind too terribly if I use it to show what I can do![/color]". He didn't wait for an answer, he was far too eager. Dimitri stood so that the pole was about two feet in front of him before raising his arms and drawing upon his powers again. A sound like ceramic tiles rubbing together could be heard as Dimitri's arms jerked and his hands spasmed until his forced them into a jackknife position. The glittering effect that began to appear on his forearms arms was quickly replaced by an outcropping of liquid like metal that eventually enveloped the tips of his fingers all the way to his elbows. Unlike earlier on the bus, the metal armor lacked any openings around the finger joints, and was thicker in appearance. The hefty appearance of the metal was not just for show either, Dimitri's arms slumped downwards a bit as the usually light metal was weighed down simply by the sheer amount of it. Dimitri lurched forward, then back, then forward again swinging his arms in a horizontal arc towards the pole, keeping his left arm slightly higher than the right. The sound of crunching metal filled the air as his hands impacted the pole and tore it apart sending the upper portion clattering off of the stage. Rather than stopping there, Dimitri shattered the metal that confined his left wrist to give him a bit more articulation before bringing his palm down hard on the portion of the stand that remained. There was a fair bit of resistance from the pole as Dimitri wasn't the most physically powerful person, however a combination of strength, persistence, and weight forced the pole to buckle under his hand until the pole was crumpled all the way to the floor. With his performance done, Dimitri stood back up"[color=8882be]I can cover my body with this stuff, but not all at once. Not sure whether or not that'll affect my ranking this year around. I hope you guys enjoyed my performance.[/color]" he chirped as he gave a half bow. As he didn't want to waste time for other students to come up, Dimitri hastily scooted the remains off of the stage with his foot until he was far enough away to break away the metal on his skin and actually pick it up to walk away.