Still working on the CS. Sorry it's taken so long. A bit busy the past two days, but it should be completed in the morning. Edit: Here is my CS. [hider=Prince Allen][center][h3][color=gray]Prince Allen[/color][/h3] [img][/img] "[i]The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.[/i]" -[b]Bruce Lee[/b][hr][hr] [color=gray][b]Name;[/b][/color] [indent]Prince Robert Allen[/indent] [color=gray][b]Nickname;[/b][/color] [indent]Bambi[/indent] [color=gray][b]Birth Date;[/b][/color] [indent]July 21st[/indent] [color=gray][b]Age;[/b][/color] [indent]18[/indent] [color=gray][b]Zodiac Sign;[/b][/color] [indent]Cancer[/indent] [color=gray][b]Gender;[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=gray][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=gray][b]Rich or Poor;[/b][/color] [indent]Poor[/indent] [color=gray][b]Trust Fund or Scholarship;[/b][/color] [indent]Scholarship[/indent] [color=gray][b]Major;[/b][/color] [indent]Business Management[/indent] [color=gray][b]Minor;[/b][/color] [indent]Theater and Music[/indent] [color=gray][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] [indent]Producer and DJ[/indent][hr] [color=gray][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] [indent]Prince stands at approximately 6'3. He has a toned slim body with some defined muscles that shows that he works out and constantly exercises. His hair is a really dark brown and he has dreads that are usually tied up. His eyes are a rare gray and he doesn't have any facial hair. He has two black earrings one in each earlobe. He has a tattoo on his right shoulder with his mother's name over a rose with the words "The Love of My Life" surrounding it. He's not exactly religious, but his father was so he got a tattoo of a Catholic Cross on his chest. He has another tattoo on his left arm that says, "To Escape Reality".[/indent] [color=gray][b]Clothing Style;[/b][/color] [indent]Prince's style is very casual. He mostly wears jean pants and short sleeved shirts. Other times he wears shorts, but it really depends on the shirt and the weather outside. He hates long sleeved shirts and sweaters, but will wear them when he has to. He can be seen every Wednesday wearing a suit just because he likes to dress up every week. He calls these Wednesdays, "Well Dressed Wednesday".[/indent][hr] [color=gray][b]Likes;[/b][/color] [indent]Music Comics Books Movies Smoking Rain[/indent] [color=gray][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] [indent]Fake People Financial Instability People who look down on others for being different Writers Block Tea [/indent] [color=gray][b]Habits;[/b][/color] [indent]Sitting outside and staring into the clouds Tapping his pen or pencil on whatever's in front of him when he's deep in thought People watches and uses people as inspiration[/indent] [color=gray][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] [indent]Cloud Watching Writing Music Reading Playing the Piano/Electric Keyboard[/indent] [color=gray][b]Fears;[/b][/color] [indent]Losing his sister Losing who he is as a person[/indent] [color=gray][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [indent]Most of the time Prince is seen as aloof. He's often seen looking out in space, but even when he does he's taking in everything around him. He's always thinking about different things and a huge part of the time he's thinking about people and ways to help them. Other times he's thinking about music. Music is essentially his life. He cares deeply about others and he wants to help his family out the most. He wants to provide a good life for his sister and dad since they're the only two people that he has left. He wants to make the world a better place and believes that he can do that with his music and the money he'll make when he gets big.[/indent][hr] [color=gray][b]Income;[/b][/color] [indent]Prince doesn't have a set income and lives off of what he makes that month. His prices vary for his beats, but they usually range from $60 to 200 each. He can usually sell multiple beats at once. When he DJ's the price depends on the event and how large it is. He mostly DJ's for rich kids who throw parties so he usually charges more. It's not like they'd miss the money.[/indent] [color=gray][b]Finances;[/b][/color] [indent]Lower Middle Class[/indent] [color=gray][b]Spending Habits;[/b][/color] [indent]Budget Spender[/indent] [color=gray][b]Transportation;[/b][/color] [indent][url=]Used 2008 Dodge Charger SE[/url][/indent] [color=gray][b]House;[/b][/color] [indent]School Dorm[/indent] [color=gray][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] [indent]Jordan Downs, Watts CA[/indent] [color=gray][b]Background;[/b][/color] [indent]Prince was raised and born Watts, Los Angeles California in the Projects of Jordan Downs. His parents were struggling to provide a home for him and his younger sister, Sophie. His parents tried their best to make sure they were safe from the environment around them that pretty much demanded that they get "involved" in the daily activities of the youth. When he was twelve years old and his sister was eight his mother died of Cancer. That day changed their lives forever. They had been struggling to pay her medical bills, but when she died her life insurance provided them with the help that they needed. They were able to pay off the rest of the bills and moved into a better neighborhood away from Watts. His dad eventually got a better job before starting his own small business when Prince was fourteen. They still weren't up in finances, but it was pretty much a start. Whenever his dad was working Prince was left in charge of his sister and he helped her with school and anything that she needed. This was when he started getting into music by both writing and producing. He never put his own music out there because his dad never wanted him to become a rapper like every other kid out there. He wanted him to go to school and learn how to run a business so that he could help him out. That's why his major is Business Management. He did help pay the bills whenever his father was a little short. When he was sixteen he saved up enough to get his own car. It was used, but was still in a pretty good condition. This was also when he started DJing at parties. It was mostly for rich white kids who wanted to know what it was like to be black for a night. He didn't really mind as long as he got paid and they weren't offensive. He also played different kinds of music at parties. It really just depended on the crowd. He had the ability to read the crowd and tell what the majority wanted to hear. All while doing this Prince kept his grades up and kept a steady 3.8. It would have been a 4.0 if he hadn't been tired a lot during school. When he was seventeen he started smoking weed after he was introduced to it at a party and has continued to do so ever since. After graduating he got accepted on a scholarship to Hollywood University and that's how he's here now. He kept his minors hidden from his father and hopes to be able to tell him one day. He's glad that he doesn't have to pay any bills while living on campus and that it's all covered with the scholarship. It leaves him more time to make connections and send more money home. He wants to start getting into modeling to help him get into acting the latter being a way to sort of emulate his idol, Childish Gambino, who balanced both acting and rapping.[/indent] [color=gray][b]Extra;[/b][/color] [indent]English or Entrepreneurial Ventures [/indent][hr][/center][/hider]