[quote=BanalityPanda] What is the state of the RP, what does the Empress do, who is she against? I'm curious about the government foundation and such. Just. everything. But lets start with that [/quote] I just chose in the name of the Empress because I like the way it sounds really and fits the setting. As for state of the rp, clarify a bit what you mean. Now for the info on what you asked in extremely summarized form: The Empress in the title is referring to the Empress of the Zhu Empire (where most but not all of the rp takes place), she is the highest authority within the semi theocratic nation and is considered a direct descendant of the state religions prophet (and by extension, their God) she isn't directly worshiped by the adoration is borderline leader worship in it's application. She holds absolute power over what happens with each of the kingdoms in the empire, but for the most part lets them run themselves and only watches over the Capital kingdom directly(only when she feels really strongly on something will she override local rule or if it's something that effects the entire area in a major way). Currently there are no nations that she is against, Zhu traditionally being apathetic to outside causes though any that she was against have either been destroyed or otherwise made a non threat long ago. Most of her actual enemies are individuals or terrorist groups and cults, things that aren't really something to send the entire army against. The Empire itself has been having internal issues with the theocratic aspect of itself in recent years with the subject of how much they should blindly follow tradition being a frequent question and resulting in large scale fighting a few years prior over it. The empress herself has been slowly introducing more moderate policies and laws, but most liberal minded and freedom focused societies and people still consider her an oppressive tyrant for how much of her ancestors' views she clings to.