Hello! First, I will write a little bit about the role-play idea and then a bit about myself. The idea of this role-play takes me back to the time I first started RPing on RuneScape in 2007, when I was eight years old and didn't know much. Basically, it's kind of a free-range RP, meaning that it probably won't have set conflicts, setting, etc., but rather the participants create the world themselves as we go along. You can RP as an animal of your choice, as long as it could survive in, say, a forest setting. However, you aren't constricted to only RPing in the forest; you can go on to choose to be in a tundra, desert, etc. That would, of course, mean you couldn't interact with characters not in your particular biome. Additionally, I actually won't rule out having a human character. While it is highly recommended and encouraged that you have an animal character at the same time you have a human one, it's not a requirement. As I said, in the RP, it's generally to flex your creative muscles as you create a story for your character while interacting with others. Pretty simple, right? You're in charge. There will be some basic rules, of course. The general site rules definitely apply, and I have some additional ones to list once a few people are gathered to participate. Overall, I would like to have no more than five people excluding myself in this RP, but at the minimum I'll need three other people to start. If you're shy and would like to RP with me via PM or Skype, contact me via PM or through my e-mail or Skype listed below. e-mail: kaitlynt0205@gmail.com Skype: artersf Thanks and happy RPing!