[@YamiCuoreLaroux] The guard grabbed Felice. "I don't care foreign boy. You are suppose to be accomplishing a mission. One that doesn't include spending so much time in the drama office. You have one minute to get back to what you are suppose to be doing or I will taze you. Your lucky I'm not dragging you to Vlad. He would not be happy with you not completing your assignment." ------------------ [@Coga19000] Roxy shrugged. [color=a187be]"Maybe."[/color] She wasn't sure what he was saying exactly. The only thing she really got out of it was that they could use this stuff against Vlad. Which she supposed was true but she doubted it. After all Vlad was like mega smart. This guy might be smart but she doubt he was a smart as the mad scientist that ran this place.