[hider=Isshum Wyvern][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8rgVtKc.jpg[/img] [Color=#B80000][i][b] “L[/b]et’s make this spectacular!”[/i][/color] [hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGtIkksrmDE] - C H A S I N G -[/url] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Isshum Wyvern [b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#B80000][i]“The Wild Brilliance”[/i][/color] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Guild/Team:[/b] Wizards of Fiore - Team [b][color=Red]Fire[/color][color=Orange]works[/color][/b] [b]Rank:[/b] B-Rank [b]Personality:[/b] Cocky and brash, Isshum is known for his “go with the flow” attitude. He chooses to view the world with shades on, seeing the good in any situation he comes by. At the same time, he tends to stray from putting forth effort into actually thinking and instead enjoys seeing what the world has in store for him. He’s known as the Wild Brilliance for his trademark luck. A noted, supernatural ability, which tends to have things work out for him. In all actuality, Isshum just really pushes the situation until it ends on a good note. Besides this, he finds it hard to create bonds with people; a subverted effect of his childhood. If he does, it even hard to break that bond later. He’ll go to the ends of Earthland to find or protect them and though they may deny it, they’ll know he’s always prepared to come to their rescue. When things are heated up, many may find a smile on his face. Quite the opposite of most people, Isshum finds the thrill of battle exciting and even when getting beaten will find compliments or snarky retorts to give to his opponents. Most villains will find his indomitable will and smile intolerable. [b]History:[/b] Isshum’s story is directly tied with the mysteries of ten years ago. Those fabled tales of unexplainable acts of magics. Talks of a famous town that was hit by an ocean of thunderstorms, the likewise settlement that was blown away by a tornado of shrapnel, and in Isshum’s case, the town that was burned in a massive and sudden wildfire. Reports of those “natural phenomenon” have since been forgotten. However, for those that had lived through them, it had inspired fear for those few at the center of the events. Isshum was one of those individuals. His memory seems to be shattered but he can remember vivid, and pointed images. A large talon that struck through his abdomen ... Returning to his village with a forest of warmth following behind him. He tends to shrug them off as bad dreams, the results of his village shunning him and whispering “Fire Demon” behind his back. Even his father looked to tolerate him, if not outright despise his existence. It was as if he was nothing more than a mass taking up space. When he turned eight and decided to leave, his father seemed pleased. Though by this time, the village seemed more comfortable with him. As the years molded him, he decided that he’d create a name for himself. Become a hero in order to be acknowledged perhaps that would fill the void in him. So in hopes of doing this, he became a wizard. Using the mysterious fire magic that he was born with to conquer those in front of him. He passed his b-rank wizards exams effortlessly but it’s been awhile since he’s tried out for another recognition exam. [b]Magic:[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Dragon_Slayer_Magic]Fire Dragon Slayer Magic[/url] [b]Other:[/b][list][*] Beware the Flame of Emotions. [*] Hates cowards. [*] Is afraid of Water. [/list] [/hider]