[centre][b][u][h1][color=a0410d]Python[/color][/h1][/u][/b][/centre] She knew he was still having doubts of her. Mallownose seemed to be quite the wise one. Though it filled her with slight joy as she heard the meeting plan. Python grimaced down at Birch as his face fell to a grumbled squirm. He didn't like the sound of being left alone...She found it quite amusing to see his reaction. Turning back to Mallownose, Python managed to sneak a quite peek at the hiding Kittypets and Clanner behind him. She was still fond of the fear she managed to deliver into the situation. However, too much fear meant too high-stakes of being compromised... [color=a0410d]"Alright..."[/color] She began. Again, Python managed to catch the glimpse of Birch's face going rather folded as he held inside his Mind-Sulk. [color=a0410d]"I would happily meet. Birch would be understanding enough to wait behind. I completely understand that feeling of self-security. I felt it not too long ago..."[/color] Her amber-brown eyes flashed a stare at the hiding group. She grumbled words incapable of being understood. [color=a0410d]"And I assure you, we will work fine together as we try to tackle what lies ahea-"[/color] A call caught her off guard. Birch already turned and crouched, as if ready to withstand any offensive maneuvers onto the two. Python's view slowly moved there as well, as they began to hear the anger and challenge in the Tom's tone. The first to arrive was one not-much bigger than her, but even the smallest size difference could take a huge effect on Feline-to-Feline combat. It was harsh; it was hard-hitting. The way he spoke was deep and menacing, though in the 'Heroic' way. Python took instant offense for the thought of her Rogueship. The way they were treated was completely out-of-order. Oppression. Pretty easy to sum up. Even for a killer like her it was hard to withstand. It was one of the reasons why she killed without any reasons or manipulation...Eliminating Oppression was something that could be done to help ease the stress in her life caused by the epidemic, though she hadn't thought of what good effects it made on other's similar to herself. She stood straight, not battle-ready like Birch was himself. [color=f7941d]"You've trespassed onto Thunderclan territory. I'm sure my leader would agree with me when I say that we'll have to ask you to leave."[/color] He said, living up to the challenge. Python only smiled her usual half-smile to him. She spoke in a slow tone to make sure he heard. [color=a0410d]"Oh...I'm soooo sorry...I apologise for my rude entrance that could of potentially saved some lives or not. Oh woe is me..."[/color] Her tone was sarcastic, annoying and rather mimicking. [color=a0410d]"Fine...as you wish, your Clanner-ship. Come on Birchy, we got to prepare me with a meeting with [i]'Someone'[/i]."[/color] She looked back at Mallownose as she began to walk off. A small smile shot to him before she padded off, though she was unaware of Hawkstar having seen who she was and who the duo were when trespassing, Python didn't let the challenger say another word before they disappeared like Phantoms in a mist.