Dianna took a step back and turned in the direction he was looking to the training grounds. [color=a187be]“I’d think you would find yourself doing laps or on laundry duty the next few weeks if you did. I’m pretty sure they thought they whipped the laziness out of their recruits by now after all.”[/color] She responded before turning her head back around. [color=a187be]“I’m sure even you prefer to train on a day like this compared to rain in the spring though. Coming back with a cold was never fun.”[/color] His awkwardness was fairly easy to notice for her as he didn’t seem to hide it very well. So, she didn’t prod him too much. [color=a187be]“Would be a nice day off to have, but that would be a simple miracle if it was a day off.”[/color] Dianna sighed once in relaxation, and afterwards she began to walk off again. [color=a187be]“Well, I don’t want to disturb you for too long, just thought I’d drop in and say hi.”[/color] Waving slightly to him while moving away she returned to the walk she had been committed to. Quietly humming to herself along the way she simply thought of the past three years again. The realization struck her for a moment though. Soon enough, they would be out in the field… with the Titans. It was what she had joined to do, but one would be foolish not to be slightly afraid. Fear is a superpower at times and it can save lives. Simply swallowing once and closing her eyes for a moment she stood there having stopped for the moment. With one deep breath she dispelled her apprehension having determined that it would get her nowhere soon, and if she let it affect her now of all times how can she expect to actually fight later. Her dream of fighting for humanity was coming true, so she can’t back off now. A small smile came to her face now that she continued walking and hummed again. Training really had gone by fast.