[@MellyNyan][jacks mind] "[color=8493ca]You don't belong in the world of others jack, come home[/color]"malferus said as he lowered his hood his face had skin colored black and his eyes were white "I can't, you know what will happen if I do, don't you rememb-" "[color=8493ca]OF COURSE I DO! But that is in the past now[/color]" "Yes, it is." [color=8493ca]"you will either come home or I will force you to, and we both know how that will end"[/color] Jack cracked a grin and said"malferus, it's not that I don't appreciate your kindness, but I simply can't come home" [color=8493ca]"and why is that"[/color] "Because I must stay in this world malferus" [color=8882be]"but why?"[/color] "Because I must malferus, because I must." With that jack faded away from the strange place and awoke. [real world] Jack woke up and saw that he was somewhere different,he was sitting on a couch.(w-where am I?)