[center][h1]Bravefeather[/h1][/center] The trek to Snakerocks was brief, but enjoyably. Waves of excitement rolled off of Shadowpaw's fur like high tide on a full moon. His paws, abound with excitement, practically floated to the spot at which Snakerocks began. As per usual, Bravefeather settled himself in a patch indistinct brush, watching with a practiced eye for the hallmarks that indicated his apprentice was hunting with the valor of a cat who was shaping up to be an excellent warrior. Bravefeather felt this hunt to be much less lengthier, and noted dolefully the fruitless results of what had transpired. Shadowpaw had ambitiously pursued a pigeon and slipped up at the last moment. He had twisted a paw, and limped towards Bravefeather sadly, his head hung low. Bravefeather's ears flicked sympathetically and he reached down to like the apprentice between his ears. "It happens to even the best of us." He meowed encouragingly, his eyes flickering to the branches above where the pigeon had settled. For a moment, he idly wondered if Mallownose and Warmpaw would be in the camp. Shadowpaw would need to be attended too. "Come on," he said, flicking his tail, "Let's get back to Sandfire and Stonepaw, and get you back to the camp. Mallownose should check out your injury." [center][h1]Snowpaw[/h1][/center] "You're quite welcome Snowpaw, I'd rather have my apprentice tell me what's wrong than not at all. And I'm sure it is, but that doesn't make you any less of a ThunderClan warrior in my eyes." Snowpaw felt warmth spread through her pelt. For a moment, Tabbyfur looked lost in thought, before she shook her head out and focused back on her apprentice. "Right, could you stand there as if you're about to attack me, so I can demonstrate this move." She shuffled a few paw steps away from Snowpaw, positioning herself in a stance that Snowpaw assumed was supposed to be one of battle. Her insides writhed in excitement. She was now fully prepared to take on the days challenges, and leaping to her feet, she aligned herself with her mentor. "Once you're ready, I want you to start charging at me, okay?" [center][h1]Sandfire[/h1][/center] Sandfire's ear flicked, and for a moment, anger swum beneath her emerald green eyes, and she turned her searing gaze on Stonepaw's pelt. Then, with some regret, she realized the questions had been in innocence, and her gaze softened. Was her distress that obvious? Or was Stonepaw just being extremely perceptive? She paced back and forth for a moment, feeling her apprentice's eyes follow her with curiosity. Finally, she settled herself in front of him, and began speaking. "It's got nothing to do with you hunting Stonepaw," she meowed, "You're shaping up to be an excellent apprentice, and I couldn't be prouder. Thing are just," her eyes seemed to glaze for a moment, and she zoned out, before focusing back on her apprentice with a snap of her head, "things are difficult." Her paws shuffled together. She knew it wasn't a good answer, but she couldn't tell Stonepaw what was wrong. She gazed towards the Snake rocks, where Bravefeather and Shadowpaw had disappeared. She thought if she listened hard enough, she could hear the shuffle on paws on stiff, bristling grass. But then again, it could have been the wind ruffling the leaves, or a shrew scurrying beneath the brush. "They should be back soon," she meowed, "At least we'll have something to bring back to the fresh kill pile."