[center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1449/3a6bc37552804cf5334c174d9ec0c344302a179e.png?1518088[/img] [color=royalblue]"My duty is to my family, and my duty is to lead."[/color][/center] [b][color=royalblue]Username:[/color][/b] j8cob [b][color=royalblue]Name:[/color][/b] Lorelei Tosen [b][color=royalblue]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=royalblue]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=royalblue]Class:[/color][/b] Lord [b][color=royalblue]Rank:[/color][/b] Member (Royalty) [b][color=royalblue]House:[/color][/b] Tosen [b][color=royalblue]Weapons:[/color][/b] [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Noble_Rapier]Noble Rapier[/url] [b][color=royalblue]Appearance:[/color][/b] The young princess stands at a fairly normal height of 5' 8" with a slim and healthy build. While not voluptuous or curvaceous, Lorelei has an attractive charm about her from her youth and glowing smile. There isn't a blemish or flaw to be found on her skin. Her blue hair and violet eyes are unique and make her stand out from those around her. While Lorelei keeps good poise and dresses as a royal should, she always keeps her blade on her person. She is never seen without her sword at her hip. As of late she has been seen wearing less formal clothes in favor of battle clothing (as depicted in the picture above). [b][color=royalblue]Personality:[/color][/b] The eldest daughter of the Tosen family, Lorelei is confident and assertive. In fact she is almost a little [i]too[/i] confident in some aspects. Though well-mannered and trained in etiquette, Lorelei fancies herself as a rough-and-tumble princess despite her actual lack of experience with difficulties. Even with all her training for battle she is yet to fight in a real one, though that hasn't stopped her from imagining herself as a stunning hero and idol to her people. Her desire to become a famous ruler propels her actions, and sometimes her impatience to reach that stardom comes to surface. She is easy to impress but hard to stifle, incapable of passing up any challenge thrown her way. Glory comes above all else in Lorelei's world and she has yet to fail to meet her own demands. [b][color=royalblue]Short Biography:[/color][/b] Being the second child to a royal family always comes with benefits. Lorelei was geared from the start to take her father's reigns should her elder brother fall, receiving the full noble treatment from birth. Well educated, well mannered, and trained in both battle and leadership, Lorelei was made out to be a hero long before she would ever have a chance to prove it. It wasn't until she became a teenager that Lorelei began her practice of always keeping a sword either nearby or on her person. At thirteen an assassination attempt was made on all the members of the Tosen royal family. Though the entire family survived the attack, Lorelei was powerless against armed adults. She concluded that she must be armed at all times in order to defend herself, though she claimed her decision was simply "to look more regal" in the public eye. The demon invasion threw off her plans. Having recently become an adult, Lorelei's time to shine was finally upon her. She had expected to be leading battle against House Aseryo, but her father had ultimately decided to ally with their longtime rivals in order to combat the demon menace. Lorelei concluded that it didn't matter who she fought, in the end she would still become a great hero to be revered by her people. In fact, fighting [i]demons[/i] sounds far more like an epic than simply continuing a centuries-old feud. Now primed and ready for war, her first battles nonetheless, Lorelei Tosen is preparing herself to become the next great legend.