[center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1063/2cb3c060aa5cb923c5bc6c454e319d7635c282a4.jpg?1101649[/img] [color=red]"Fortune favors the bold."[/color][/center] [b][color=red]Username:[/color][/b] j8cob [b][color=red]Name:[/color][/b] Gael Ingram [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 40 [b][color=red]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=red]Class:[/color][/b] Fighter [b][color=red]Rank:[/color][/b] Member [b][color=red]House:[/color][/b] Tosen [b][color=red]Weapons:[/color][/b] [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Imposing_Axe]Imposing Axe[/url] [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Steel_Axe]Steel Axe[/url] [b][color=red]Appearance:[/color][/b] Gael is a large, bulky man. He often towers over others with his lumbering frame. The scars across his muscular body serve to make him even more intimidating. Gael maintains his beard and hair, both naturally red, so as not to have a wild appearance. Even Gael's eyes are the color of red. He wears a simple brown tunic and pants, so as to remain comfortable in battle. His axes are usually carried on his back during battle but they are not kept on his person in normal situations. Outside of battle situations he is known to wear his signature red cape. His overall appearance has contributed to his well-known nickname, The Red Beast. [b][color=red]Personality:[/color][/b] Gael's appearance alone is quite intimidating, but the man himself is much less stoic than looks can lead you to believe. Talkative, sociable, and generally friendly, Gael is quick to associate with new people, granted they are also friendly. In his youth he was known to be brash, foul-mouthed, and quick to violence, but Gael has grown more calm with age. This is not to say he is devoid of anger and incapable of violence, as both can flare up when his House is in danger, especially his Lord. While not so wise as to chat philosophy, Gael does have many various quips and proverbs at his disposal to help educate his younger comrades. Never adverse to a good feast or woman, but always able to keep his wits about him. Just be sure never to get on his bad side or you'll never forget why he is called The Red Beast. [b][color=red]Short Biography:[/color][/b] The exploits of the legendary Red Beast present grandiose tall tales of his childhood, but despite what many believe Gael was [i]not[/i] actually the son of a Dragon nor did he ever slay an entire wolf pack the day he was born. Gael was the youngest son the Ingram family, farmers who lived in the north of Sariwon. He was fit from labor in his youth, living a fairly normal peasant life for the first few years of his life. It wasn't until his family's farm was burned to the ground by brigands did Gael's life take a turn towards the extraordinary. Young Gael, aged ten at the time, fought bravely alongside his elder brothers to defend the farm. Their father was struck down quickly and their mother couldn't possibly fight. By some miracle the boy had demonstrated an almost inhuman strength, tackling one of the bandits to the ground and pummeling him to death with his fists. In the end their father didn't survive, nor did their house. The only field that survived the fire was the radish field. The Ingram family never fully recovered, especially financially. Debts to pay and no money began to take its toll. In order to gain some kind of income to keep their dear mother from stressing to death, all four Ingram boys joined the military of Tosen. Gael was an exceptional soldier from the start, with his hulking size and incredible strength. He quickly developed a fire within him, a violent and tenacious nature that allowed him to thrive in battle. This ferocity earned him the title of The Red Beast, and it didn't take long for rumors and tall tales to spread about him. It didn't help that, for his own amusement, Gael never denied any of the rumors. While his brothers felt he was silly and would shoot them down, more would always spread. The Ingram brothers were successful as soldiers and able to support their elderly mother back on the farm. But tragedy would strike the family again. A skirmish between Tosen and Aseryo soldiers broke out one day, taking the lives of Gael's older brothers. At the age of 23 he was the last man of his family. The sight of his oldest brother's death created a fury previously unseen, allowing him the strength to finish the soldiers that had killed his siblings and scaring off the remainder of their battalion. It would be another ten years before the Red Beast would start to become more tame. The life of a warrior has taken its toll. The young soldiers would go in restless and excited, but those that lived as long as Gael had long since given up wasting that energy. The anger that defined the Red Beast is far less prevalent than it once was, but many a tale still exists of mighty and heroic (or villainous, pending the story) feats. The demon invasion initially held nothing startling to the man, as he had fought for Tosen and defended it for over two decades. But the alliance with Aseryo has put him on edge, secretly of course. After all, it was Aseryo soldiers that killed his brothers. While willing to put aside his differences for the greater good, Gael remains wary of his new allies. Not only does he hold a grudge against them, they surely hold a grudge against him.