[h2]Attack on Iron Enigma Part 2[/h2][h3]Collab Between Burthstone, Yoshua171, and Crimson Raven[/h3] The Blonde looked around the room after the latest attack. Most of the members were down, there were a couple who had managed to get out of the way of the laser, and were still capable of fighting. Once she had taken an inventory of who was still standing, she looked over to the Masked man, who finally dropped his shield. [color=C17585]"Now would be the time to risk bringing the building down."[/color] He'd nod, a large magic circle appearing below him, and coating him in a dark aura. [color=7424AA]"[i]Black Sun Release.[/i]"[/color] He spoke in a monotone voice, the aura enveloping him for a moment before fading so that it simply outlined him in black and dark yellow flames. He motioned for the blonde to get near him before speaking again. [color=7424AA]"[i]Black Sun Eruption.[/i]"[/color] This time, instead of him throwing a ball of energy that would explode, the magic circle beneath his feet would let off an explosion that would likely hit everyone in the room, and had enough force to throw what few other standing guild members against the wall. The blonde, being within the magic circle, would be uneffected. Not letting up, the masked man would follow up with another attack. [color=7424AA]"[i]Black Sun Envelope.[/i]"[/color] An orb would form in his right hand, which he threw at Ferrin. It would follow him, and once it hit something, anything, it would expand a good amount before collapsing into a little dot and begin sucking everything towards it. Stuff near it would fall to it the fastest, but outside of about a meter it would be plausible for someone to get away from it. After about fifteen seconds it would explode, launching what it had gathered up across the room, likely on fire. The Blonde moved around her guildmate to face Valak and Dornae, holding up her hand again. [color=C17585]"[i]Enigmatic Gaze![/i]"[/color] The guild mark did its thing, and when the eye opened it shot a fairly powerful bolt of blue energy at Dornae, moving about the speed and force of the average arrow, though it would be significantly sharper than any non-magic projectile. Ferrin noticed the exchange between the two, and as soon as he cast the first spell, Ferrin had a precautionary shield up in a semi-transparent half-dome in front of him. The force was considerable, but he had braced properly and weathered most of the force. He didnt wait for the orb to hit him, instead he dashed across the room, intending to evade it. However, he realized that would be futile as it reversed direction to follow him. He thought furiously, trying to decide how best to diffuse it, when an idea occurred to him. He moved to a seemingly random part of the room and waited for the orb to get close. He paused for a moment to calculate speed and trajectory. [i] Aether High Speed.[/i] He again seemed to vanish as the spell allowed him to travel at incredible speed, faster than the eye could follow. He apeared behind the Blonde, this time, he didntbother with an incantaion. His Gauntlet became charged with electicity and he pressed his fingertips into her back. He released the magic through the physical contact. She would fell tingles and then numbness as the paralyisis took effect.. [color=silver] "Aether-enhanced lightning magic: Nerve Shock.[/color] He glared threateningly over her shoulder at the troublesome masked man, his eyes devoid of anything like mercy or pity. [color=silver]"Move, and I will put a hole in your friend here."[/color] [i]I just gotta time this right.[/i] He thought. Valak staggered as the blast hit him. He recovered and took stock of the situation, most of them were down, and not likely to get back up again. He figured The other two could handle this, so he moved to the basement stairs, to find what they came all this way for. Besides, if he got it, there would be no reason to fight and they could leave, hopefully mitigating the massive repercussions this would most likely have. Not that he regretted it. The magical energy built as the man used his Black Sun Release. It sounded ominous. In the interest of not dying, Dornae had used his time to cross out the runes on a pebble and then add others onto its surface. He began walking forwards before detecting a tremendous amount of energy. Eyes widening, Dornae pushed a table to the ground hid behind it and wrote two runes on the side facing him. Immediately a barrier went up, but at the cost of more energy than he would have liked. As the heat dispersed he noticed the orb of energy and so made a point to avoid it entirely. He continued forwards easily noticing the woman aiming at him. [i]'This is really getting on my nerves,'[/i] he thought even as he raised the pebble he'd altered and channeled energy through it. A circular barrier formed and he angled it so as the arrow hit it slid off the side thus dispersing some of its power. Nonetheless the shield went down and Dornae staggered. He was using a lot of magical energy and it was starting to show. Determined, he charged the pebble again and activated the shield. He held his dagger in the same hand making the grip uncomfortable, but doable. It was a small necessary discomfort. The building's structure remained undamaged despite the amount of magic that had been used therein. It wouldn't last forever. Looking to one of his two comrades, the talkative one, Dornae noted the threat and stopped in place, he decided to roll with it. [color=#708574][b]"Nobody has to die,"[/b][/color] he said simply, channeling energy through Othisi as he did. He enchanted it with flames and a bright blue glow that made it look far more intimidating than it was. The weapon kept emitting small tongues of fire as he had not stabilized the enchantment with polyphony. It was the result of doing things a bit too fast. He hoped it helped with the intimidation factor. It didn't. The Masked man made a sound that could be compared to a 'heh' at Ferrin's threat before rolling to the side, stopping in a position where he was crouched with one knee on the ground. [color=7424AA]"[i]Collapse.[/i]"[/color] The magic circle he had created suddenly emitted a bunch of energy as it collapsed, enough to make most people scream in pain. He looked over as Valak started moving to the basement stairs, and he stood up as the orb that had been chasing Ferrin finally slammed into whomever was still in the now-collapsed magic circle. He braced himself, but he was far enough away that he would be able to keep his footing. [color=7424AA]"Where are you going? the party's up here. [i]Black Sun Chain Bolt.[/i]"[/color] He held up his hand, and a triangular spike fired from the magic circle in front of his hand, aiming where he thought Valak would be by the time it got there, hoping to stop him. He lifted his other hand towards Dornae, glancing at him for just a moment. [color=7424AA]"Oh, everyone dies eventually. I should know, I help them along. [i]Black Sun Shockwave.[/i]"[/color] He held up his other hand, and a blast of force launched itself at Dornae, and he looked back to see how the chain shot went, trying to multitask all three opponents. Ferrin realized something he had forgotten. He had known Iron Enigma had a murky past as a dark guild, and most dark guild members didnt have the same kind of bonds that legal guilds shared. He had miscalculated. He had barely a couple of seconds to act. He had a choice to make. In the moment before the circle collapsed, he dropped his sword and magic, grabbed the blonde and threw her out of the circle, taking the brunt of both attacks full-on. He writhed in pain, but didnt make a noise as he collapsed to the ground. For a frightening second, he didn't get up. [color=silver], "...Damn, that hurt."[/color] He muttered as he staggered to his feet. [color=silver], "But its not like I have not felt pain before.["/color] He clenched his Gauntlet into a fist as he said this. He turned the full force of his angry glare on the Masked Man. [color=silver], "That is it, now I am angry."[/color] His entire body started to give off that strange Mist. [i] One last attack. He has to be weakened ,and he is the only one left.[/i] He took a stance as if he was going to throw a punch. [color=silver] Aether kinetic construct, [b]Titan's Fist![/b]"[/color] A massive silvery-solid-looking hand appeared next to him, it clenched into a fist. He motioned a strong punch and the construct, that was twice as tall as a man and three times as wide as a man was tall, flew at the Masked Man with a speed compareable to a speeding train. Upon releasing the powerful magic, Ferrin fell to his knees, the magic taking its inevitable toll. Valak stopped and lifted his shield, the hostile magic broke on his armor. However, some of it got through, causing him some pain. He watched in awe as Ferrin showed off some really powerful magic, then he realized he was wasting time and he continued to run towards the stairs, hurtling the low bar. He used the shelter to his advantage, somewhat hiding behind it so the other magic wouldn't hit him. As such Dornae used polyphony to stabilize the flame spell in Othisi. However, the man hardly gave him time to use it as a wave of force rushed towards him. He braced himself, raising his shield as he did so, but it wasn't quite enough. Dornae was well muscled, but not enough to withstand that kind of force without being budged. He simply didn't weigh enough and so he slid backwards across the floor before hitting his back against the wall..[i]hard[/i]. [color=#708574][b]"Agh,"[/b][/color] he exclaimed as the force dissipated, his shield following suit. He felt the pebble crumble in his hand. Too much strain apparently. Glancing up he confirmed his ally's status before sliding down against the wall, fatigued. While he hadn't used all of his magical energy he had still used at least half. That in tangent with the physical strike had caused his state. He could still fight, and after a moment he did get up, but he had needed those 30 seconds to recooperate. As he rose fully to his feet he hoped he would see the masked man felled. Given his luck, the man would probably be fine. The Masked man had been about to yank on the chain to pull Valak down when he spotted Ferrin preparing a particularly powerful attack. He made a 'keh' sound to himself as he dispelled the chain spell. [color=7424AA]"You're tougher than most of my opponents. That makes it fun. [i]Black Moon Barrier![/i]"[/color] The mage crossed his arms in an X-like shape in front of him as the barrier that had protected him and the blonde at the same time formed again. Ferrin's attack hit it, and after a moment of struggle broke through and slammed into the masked man himself. He was thrown into the wall hard, leaving a crater, and a few bits of it would fall away revealing the streets outside. After this impact, he would fall forward to the ground in a kneeling position. His glowing Aura had dissipated, and his mask was cracked pretty badly, revealing one of his eyes. The Iris was yellow and black, much like his magic, and it was locked into Ferrin. [color=7424AA]"Much tougher."[/color] He chuckled softly, and stayed on his knees. He didn't seem like he was going to get up, but he wasn't falling all the way to the floor yet. Valak would be able to get into the basement now without any trouble, as everyone who could stop him were down. The barkeep was sitting in a small room near the door to the basement reading a book. He had no intention of stopping anyone from going into the basement at this point. Down inside the basement, there was a large room with a couple of other rooms sticking off to the sides. In the middle was Laynette Navarro, one of Iron Enigma's team members, playing cards with the little dragon they had captured, who was muzzled and had her wings and rear legs wrapped in rope. Gently enough to prevent damage, but tightly enough to keep her from escaping. Someone had built a thing for Mithera to keep her cards on so she wouldn't have to worry about showing off what was in her hand, and they both would look up as Valak inevitably came walking stealthily down the stairs. Laynette would give a confused look, and on her right leg there was a cast covering her foot and ankle, as well as a pair of crutches close enough for her to grab. Ferrin walked over and looked down at his defeated opponent with now dispassionate eyes. [color=7424AA]"Very Entertaining. Next time I know to move, yes?"[/color] Ferrin just shook his head. [color=silver]"No mercy."[/color] He said. He drew back his leg and kicked him in the chin, almost certainly knocking him out. Next, he turned to the new guy and said[color=silver], "Hey, kid. In all the excitement I never caught your name.[/color] [color=#708574][b]"It's Dornae actually,"[/b][/color] he replied. [color=silver] "Well, Dornae give me a hand in finding some medical supplies, so we can patch these guys up, until they can get some real medical attention."[/color] So for the next couple of minutes he found some first aid kits and helping the wounded, not saying a word the whole time, deep in thought. Downstairs... Valak took stock of the room and saw the woman as no threat. He recognized the dragon-like creature as the one they were trying to find. Without a word, he walked over and cut her various bonds. [color=9966cc] "You are rescued." [/color] He said bluntly. He turned and pointed his sword at the woman. [color=9966cc], "Problem?"[/color] He said with no emotion. Nodding in response, Dornae was quite happy for the conflict to be over with. He was a bit annoyed with the property damage, but it couldn't be helped. As he assisted the man he recalled that he hadn't gotten his name either, [color=#708574][b]"By the way, I never heard you and your friend's names either."[/b][/color] He made the comment as he looked over the fire mage. [color=silver]"Oh, of course, my name is Ferrin, the monosyllabic guy is Valak."[/color] A frown crossed his face even as he heard the names, it hadn't been his spell that had done the trick, but rather the ice axe from the other fellow, Valak was his name apparently. Sighing as he rose and moved on to another person, Dornae hoped they could leave this place before long. He really didn't want a run in with the authorities or any Guild members that might still be elsewhere. He'd had enough action for a while...at least a few hours, knowing his luck. Laynette put her hands up defensively as Valak pointed his sword at her. [color=pink]"Hey, I've got a broken ankle and no weapon. I'm not an idiot, asshole."[/color] Mithera 'unintentionally' knocked over her hand with her tail as she shook herself, finally getting to relax after a day of being tied up. Laynette rolled her eyes as she saw Mithera's winning hand, and the little dragon jumped down from the table, looking up at Valak. She seemed unsure about him, despite having been freed by him, she remained suspicious. She seemed content to go up the stairs one at a time without flying, and she would make fairly decent progress, though much slower than a person. She'd have to stop and wait for someone to open the door however, as it closed automatically, and she was too small to open it by herself. Valak shrugged, better safe than sorry. He turned and walked up the steps, opening the door for Mithera, and went out. [color=9966cc]"It's here."[/color] He said. [color=silver], "Thank you, Valak.[/color] He bent down to talk to the strange creature. [color=]"So, what is your name, little one?"[/color] Mithera would've headed up into the main room once Valak opened the door for her, and she'd fly up to the bar and sit down, looking around the room. She stayed fairly quiet for a while, just observing the carnage, and the blonde woman was starting to regain some control of her body, struggling to sit up and face the victors. Mithera stared at her with a faint glimmer of recognition before looking at Ferrin. [b]"Mithera"[/b] Her voice would be small and cute, perfect for her size and shape, and she'd look at Ferrin with a very neutral expression, surprisingly unenthused about her rescue. Attention grabbed as the presence of a flying creature made itself known before landing. He stared at her for a solid ten seconds before shaking his head and looking between the other two, then back at what he could only guess was some form of dragon. In all his travels he'd never seen one before. [color=#708574][b]"Is...I mean. Um..."[/b][/color] He began, a shock clear in his voice with confusion just as apparent on his face. There was awe there too. In fact, the emotions were practically wrestling for dominance before he cleared his throat and made an effort to compose himself. Then the creature spoke, and he couldn't help but ask, even if it [i]was[/i] a stupid question, [color=#708574][b]"Are you a dragon, perchance?"[/b][/color] Mithera would give Dornae a long stare before answering. [b]"Yes, enough."[/b] She decided she didn't need to say anymore, and she pointed her head towards Delilah Vale. [b]"Make sure she doesn't get up. And we may want to leave before Grant or Gregory show up."[/b] Her voice was surprisingly stoic and commanding for how small and adorable she was. She'd move to the edge of the bar, leaning over a bit, and looking around the room a bit more. [b]"I don't recognize any of these people. Besides her, of course."[/b] The last comment had been directed somewhat towards Delilah. [color=silver]"Pleased to meet you Mithera. I am Ferrin, that's Valak and that's Dornae."[/color] Ferrin said, pointing to each person in turn. [color=silver],"This may be abrupt, but let's get out of here before anyone shows up. You are a member of Phoenix Wing, judging by your guild mark, right?"[/color] Ferrin asked. [b]"Yes but... I don't want to go back to them just yet."[/b] She'd seem a tad sheepish about that, lowering her head a little, but she'd keep watching Ferrin, letting him keep talking. Ferrin nodded and addressed everybody. [color=silver]"Let's go, everyone I know a spot we can lay low at."[/silver] With that he turned and walked out, Mithera flying over and landing on his shoulder as he did. Nodding, Dornae followed the other three, seemingly in thought as they departed.