[img]http://i.imgur.com/sCakSHc.jpg?1[/img] [color=red][i]"Don't underestimate me, and I will make this quick."[/i] [/color] [color=red][b]Username:[/b] [/color] Oppositionj [color=red][b]Name:[/b] [/color] Ryder Takumi [color=red][b]Age: [/b] [/color] 15 [color=red][b]Gender:[/b] [/color] Female [color=red][b]Class:[/b] [/color] Thief [color=red][b]Rank: [Lord or Member?][/b] [/color] New Recruit / Member [color=red][b]House: [Which House are they affiliated with?][/b] [/color] House Tosen [color=red][b]Weapons: [Keep true to your class.][/b] [/color] A pair of Stilettos. [color=red][b]Appearance: [You may put an image and add description.][/b] [/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uF4CIUt.jpg[/img] Ryder, being quite young for a fighter, stands at 5'3". She has medium length, soft, blonde hair. It reaches a bit past her neck. Her eyes, are a blazing orange color. She has a thin and lithe body, allowing quite agile movements. She is easily seen as weak due to her small frame. Her clothing, despite it being a bit restricting, consists of her red cloak along with a short, flowing, white dress. She seems to have chosen her clothing as a perfect mixture of fashion and practicality. This goes hand in hand with her constant upkeep, as beauty is just as important as battle to Ryder. [color=red][b]Personality: [/b] [/color] Ryder is quite the stubborn girl, especially in the face of her enemies. She is the type of girl that is not willing to back down in a fight, mostly for her pride's sake. When someone would first meet Ryder, they would assume she is very shy. She tends to be a lone wolf as she has never been to good with others, though, once she figures someone out, she comes off in a very playful manner, never seemingly taking life seriously. As a rogue, this is typical and fits her style of combat. Ryder, despite this heated and combative front is the way she acts to hide her true feelings. Often times she feels weak due to her size and stature, so she acts tough and never seems willing to give up in an argument of battle. Ryder tends to taunt her enemies often when fighting. Even during times she is losing, she still finds time to poke fun at the adversaries she combats. Whenever Ryder loses or fails, she typically attempts to shift the blame as she has a great deal of trouble handling hardship. [color=red][b]Short Biography:[/b] [/color] Ryder has had quite the eventful life. Though it has been short, she has been managed to do quite a lot in her sixteen years. As a young child, she was raised by her brother alone. Without knowing the fate of her parents, Ryder lived happily among the urban areas of Zuswil. Her brother, weary of their fate as unguarded youths, taught her to fight at the young age of 9, though she was never to wield a weapon. Years passed, Ryder, was kept alive by her brother with an unknown income source. It wasn't the best, but they lived. At the age of 12, Ryder's brother had to leave. With his commitment to war, he could not stay and protect her anymore. She had then lived in poverty for the next two years. Thievery came to her easily, though she was never one to take pride in it. Often, her brother would send back money with his letters, though there were often long, worrying spans of time where Ryder had to provide for herself. It wasn't always easily. There were a great deal of times where she was caught. She learned to be fleet of foot or spend days in a cell. Her times of failure only lasted for a year or two. With her brother seemingly forgetting her, she had become practiced in her stealthy art, always observant and ready to flee. Her impoverished times were halting as she now delved deeper into thievery for creature comforts, though she was not without conscious. Ryder was careful not to get cocky or gluttonous. With her fourteenth birthday approaching, she knew that this lifestyle of hers was to end. She planned to find some sort of work that suited her, though with her tarnished reputation, this would be difficult. This new goal drove her to her current work. Ryder found a home working as a messenger between the three noble houses in Ashines. Her job worked well as she was a neutral party. As Ryder grew older she was asked by House Carnesale to expand her range of influence so that she could deliver to more than just Ashines. This was quite tough for her at a young age, but she adapted to travel quickly, always taking the safer path. Over the next year leading to the present, Ryder was asked to deliver throughout Ostaria, and even recruited to gather information. She tended to be quite the charmer when she tried, which made the latter task natural. Ryder continued with these tasks all while in search of her lost brother. She seemed to always dodge guards and other obstacles, so her aptitude for stealth was recognized. Eventually, Ryder was scouted out by House Tosen, who offered her a home if she stayed and trained. Finally able to live a 'normal' life was enough for her to accept and become one of House Tosen's newest members. She knows very little about the feud between them and House Aseryo. [color=red][b]Other: [/b] [/color] N/A