Ashburn __________ Ash winced with sympathetic pain at Eric's miserable state. He could tell the pain was pretty bad, but Eric's face didn't show a single sign of it. He couldn't help but wonder if Eric had been like that the whole time, in pain but hiding it behind a mask. The thought pained him even more and he held Eric tighter. [i]"If things get hostile you need to leave, the man taught me everything he knows about fighting so I can only hold him off so long and don't come out no matter what. He can only kill me by getting to you."[/i] Ash looked up at Eric, surprised by the stern tone we was using, it was very uncharacteristic. He knew Eric was right of course. Mrs. Mabel had told them that a guardian was basically indestructible, but had the great weakness of their partner. The thought pained Ash greatly, as it slowly sunk in that he was Eric's weakness. Eric could die simply because he did something stupid, and he might be to weak to protect himself. Eric was so big and strong he could easily beat a bear in a wrestling match. He on the other hand was lean and pathetically light. There was almost no way that he could stand up to anyone of real power, and that put his lover in danger. Just by existing he was a risk to Eric's life. "Yes.... Of course" Ash said fighting back tears. Hoping to distract himself he went back to the living room and brought the cart of food back to the bedroom. Serving up a huge helping he set a plate in front of Eric and made one for himself, never once looking Eric in the eyes. Ash sat quietly on the edge of the bed, eating his now lukewarm breakfast quietly, as he silently beat himself up over being Eric's weakness. [color=00a651]'Maybe Eric should have bonded with someone stronger. He shouldn't be shackled to someone as weak and fragile as me.'[/color] He said to himself, fighting back tears that threatened to flood out. [color=7bcdc8]Sad, useless, mournful at being Eric's weakness.[/color]