[h2][center] [color=red]Nefertari[/color] and [color=lightgreen]Melanie West[/color] Huskers Resturant[/center][/h2] Nefertari had to grin to herself. The cute werewolf was welcoming her to join her. [color=red]"Why thank you gorgeous,"[/color] she said and sat down, setting her glass of wine on a coaster. [color=red]"I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you before. However, that may be my fault. My job does tend to lead to having odd hours and honestly, no free time. My name is Nefertari, what is yours?"[/color] She asked, looking over the woman. [color=lightgreen]"Its nice to meet you Nefertari, I'm Melanie West but most of my friends just call me Mel for short."[/color] Melanie smiled taking a sip from her drink before setting it down. [color=lightgreen]"I don't think I have seen you around either. But then again I mainly work nights here, and perform here sometimes."[/color] Looking into Nefertai's eyes. [color=lightgreen]"Where do you work if you don't mind me asking?"[/color] Nefertari grimaced a bit. [color=red]"I don't think you honestly want to know. Most people when they find out where I work just kinda walk away,"[/color] she said with a sigh. It was hard to find someone to go on a date with after the mention of being a mortician came up. To be fair it was an odd job, and usually very morbid, but hey, someone had to do it. [color=red]"So you work here huh? Having some lunch before work starts, or just have a day off?"[/color] Nefertari asked curiously, turning her attention back to Mel. [color=red]"By the way, you can call me Neffy if it's easier. I do realize I have a rather unique and unusual name."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"You can tell me if you want to, I honestly don't judge. I didn't mind you joining me and we just met."[/color] Melanie smiled, she really never judged anyone for what they did for a living. [color=lightgreen]"It's just my day off here, I decided why not get something to eat after doing some shopping and I get a discount since I work here. Nefertari is a pretty name, but Neffy does sound a whole lot easier to say."[/color] Neffy sighed. [color=red]"I'm a mortician,"[/color] she said, taking a sip of her wine. [color=red]"The only thing I'll get a discount on is a coffin,"[/color] she said with a laugh. [color=red]"Must be nice to work in a place like this."[/color] Melanie knew she smelled something else other then the blood, from the bodies she must have worked on back at the morgue. [color=lightgreen]"Sounds like a pretty interesting job."[/color] Melanie said, leaning forward slightly. [color=lightgreen]"Its a good job, but the pay isn't that much to live off of from paycheck to paycheck pretty much. But really good people; we are almost a family sort of."[/color] [color=red]"I know that feeling. You think making people pretty for a living would pay better, but..."[/color] Nefertari shrugged, sipping her wine. She seemed to spot someone walking in and waved over at Morgan and smiled. [color=red]"Sorry, just spotted one of my housemates,"[/color] she said.[color=red] "Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving you alone pretty lady,"[/color] she said with a wink. [color=red][i]"What am I doing? I barely know this girl and I'm already saying things like that? Man... Az was right. I do need to find a girl. But a werewolf? I mean, there's a lot of risks there,"[/i][/color] Neffy thought to herself as she took another sip of her wine. [color=red]"Did you order some food already? I do believe you said you were getting something to eat."[/color] Melanie looked over to one of the girls that Neffy was waving to, seeing that she was accompanied by two others. [color=lightgreen]"No need to apologize."[/color] Melanie blushed slightly and smiled at Neffy's compliment, lightly tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. [color=lightgreen]"And I must thank you for the company."[/color] Melanie thought for a moment. Flirting with a vampire never came to mind one bit, and she knew also that it was risky. [color=lightgreen]"I was yes, let me buy you something after all took the time to come here and keep me company."[/color] [color=red]"I'll pass. I have allergies and usually eat my own pre-packed lunch."[/color] This was a lie, but Nefertari didn't know if Mel knew she was a vampire or not. [color=red]"I just mostly ducked in here to get a drink on my break. Its been one hell of a morning,"[/color] she said with a small laugh. [color=red]"But, let me do the honor of buying you lunch since you did let me sit with you."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Thank you, and are you sure? I mean I know you need blood but I know some of you do eat regular food."[/color] Melanie whispered the last bit to Neffy and smiled. [color=lightgreen]"Then at least let me buy you another drink. I don't want you to pay if you need a refill."[/color] Nefertari smirked. [color=red]"I guess I underestimated your nose. I'm a bit more old school than some of the others,"[/color] she said with a chuckle. [color=red]"Well I guess we can drop the facade a bit then,"[/color] she added. [color=red]"And sure. I'll pay for your lunch and you pay for my drink. Sounds fair."[/color] Melanie chuckled slightly. [color=lightgreen]"Well, we are known to have really good noses."[/color] Melanie nodded. [color=lightgreen]"Sounds good to me then, so what did you want to talk about, and how much time do you have on your break left?"[/color] Nefertari pulled out her phone and sighed. [color=red]"Apparently none. Car accident victims just got cleared. However, I do get off at six. Maybe I can upgrade that lunch to dinner?"[/color] She asked with a hopeful smile. [color=red]"I know a great steak place. Okay, it's here, but still."[/color] Melanie sighed slightly enjoying the company but smiled. [color=lightgreen]"Dinner it is then, I'll get you whatever you want tonight. And you can watch me sing tonight as well, so I'll be here when you come in."[/color] Melanie winked. [color=red]"I look forward to it then."[/color] Nefertari smiled, and pulled a card out of her purse and handed it to Mel. [color=red]"Here is my number and e-mail, just in case. You never know when something will come up. And if I am late, please do understand it is most likely because something came up, and not because I don't want to see your pretty face again,"[/color] she said and smiled, returning the wink. Melanie watched Nefertari taking out a card from her purse and gently took it from Neffy, and looking down at the number and email printed onto it. [color=lightgreen]"Thank you lovely, and I'll be sure to text you later for our date."[/color] Melanie said playfully and stood up taking her cup and finished up her drink. [color=lightgreen]"I'll see you tonight then."[/color] [color=red]"I'll see you then,"[/color] Nefertari said, leaning in and giving Mel a kiss on the cheek. [color=red]"And if all goes well, there will be more than that,"[/color] she said and giggled walking off. She felt a bit like a young girl again, but it had been a while since she had persued an actual relationship. It was fun! (Collab with [@Nallore])