[quote=@LadyTale] [hider=Serafina Lewison] [center][h1][color=00a99d]Serafina[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://images.wikia.com/assembly/images/2/24/Brown-hair-girl-pretty-bubbles-Favim.com-464122_large.jpg[/IMG] [i]"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."[/i] -[b]Eleanor Roosevelt[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [u]Name:[/u] [color=00a99d]Serafina Lily Lewison[/color] [u]Nickname:[/u] Fin, Lils to close friends [u]Birth Date:[/u] September 24, 1992 [u]Age:[/u] 23 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Sexuality:[/u] Straight [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [u]In Depth Appearance:[/u] Serafina has long brown hair with bangs sweeping over her forehead. Her eyes are hazel, and a bit bigger than the eyes of most girls her age. She's lightly tanned and her skin is fairly unblemished, with only the occasional small scar from childhood accidents. Standing at 5'5", she's rather short for her age, although she doesn't mind. Her ears are pierced, but she won't pierce anything else, no matter what. Her somewhat-guilty secret is a small tattoo of a peacock on her back; its head reaches almost to her neck, and it covers most of her back. Her hands and feet are small, and she's not too curvy, but still looks feminine. [u]Clothing Style:[/u] Serafina tends to dress in cream, gold, and brown, with the occasional splash of blue or green. She favors overlarge sweaters, leggings, and tall boots in the colder months, along with a fluffy scarf. When it's warmer outside, she wears shorts of a modest length and tank tops, paired with Roman-style sandals, although she will sometimes wear a sundress. The only jewelry she wears is a pair of blue sapphire earrings, which were a gift from her father. [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [u]Likes:[/u] [list][*] Faithful romantic partners [*] Chocolate [*] "Adopting" younger demigods [*] Bollywood romcoms, especially one called Jab We Met [*] Singing[/list] [u]Dislikes:[/u] [list][*] Cheaters [*] Zucchini [*] Mean people [*] People who mess with people's hearts [*] People hearing her singing[/list] [u]Fears:[/u] [list][*] Failing to protect her "children" [*] Small spaces [*] Being unable to breathe[/list] [u]Habits:[/u] [list][*] Mothering people in distress [*] Humming [*] Replacing an English word with a word in another language, usually Hindi[/list] [u]Personality:[/u] [center][u]♦ Motherliness ♦ Loyalty ♦ Calmness ♦ Insecurity[/u][/center] Serafina is a natural mother; she wants to take care of everyone, and usually does. Anyone she takes under her wing, she is loyal to until the very end. She's very calm in a crisis, and good at giving advice; at least, in certain subjects. She'll always be the first to encourage someone to believe in themselves and their dreams. However, she's secretly rather insecure about herself. She won't sing for anyone, because she thinks she's not that good at it. She thinks she's not very attractive, and won't listen when anyone says otherwise. [u]Background:[/u] In her group of friends, Serafina was the mother figure. She looked after them all, sometimes without them knowing, and would do anything to protect them. However, she always kept her problems secret from them. The bullies in her middle school caused serious damage to her self-esteem. Despite her loving father and loyal friends, she believed the bullies when they said she would never amount to anything much. Since she came to Olympus Academy, she's regained a bit of her self-confidence. After all, she is the daughter of the queen of the gods. [u]Extra:[/u] Like I said before, Poseidon and Hestia~ (Also, I think Serafina would be able to officiate demigod weddings, yes?) [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [u]Godly Parent:[/u] Hera, wife of Zeus and queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and faithfulness. [u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u] Serafina has always been a bit in awe of her mother, which Hera has been patiently working to dispel. Hera just wants a loving mother-daughter relationship, but Serafina is a bit too respectful and polite for them to really bond. Secretly, Serafina wants to make sure she doesn't drive off the only mother she's ever known. [u]Godly Abilities:[/u] [b]Summoning[/b] - Serafina can summon peacocks, her mother's sacred animals, to defend herself. [b]Knowledge of Love[/b] - Serafina can sense when a relationship is going well, and when a couple are nearing divorce. [/hider] [/quote] Looks good to me though, this is just me, maybe flesh out the Backstory a bit more? It just seems...lacking. Also, I think it would be interesting if she "Adopted" Luka. hahaha.