Wandering the enthusiastic sellings and clattered chatter of this odd market, a smaller man hovered just above the ground, looking around with his head lowered and back arched as to keep the others from seeing his face, the talisman he dawned on his forehead covering much of his facial features. He seemed to be wisked away into another world with his peculiar inner dilemma, but regardless of so, wandered. Taking foot into one of the many small rooms selling oddities, he felt something catch his cold feet and cause him to stumble, nearly crashing into the register. Too shocked to show pain, the man merely stumbled back into blitz. The something he stumbled over was Autumn. "Oh dear, i'm sorry, did I get in your way? I'll be leaving no-" He began before he realized how peculiar he must look. Changing his mind about leaving, he decided to buy some new clothes as well. "Never mind perhaps, I may need to look in here a bit more" He responded to himself in his soft and caring voice, but his fear was obvious.