[h2] Levi DiCaliente - Huskers Restaurant [/h2] [@Avanhelsing] [color=00a651]"That guy giving ya any trouble? Some people will do anything to get what they want."[/color] “No!” Levi blushed, looking away from the hunk infront of him; trying to contain his physical ‘excitement’ “-He’s fine, I’m fine; we’re all fine!” Levi chuckled as he scrubbed a beer glass with a deeply orange stained wash rag that had looked to be older than the restaurant itself; meanwhile the mysterious stranger had took notice of Levi’s timid demeanor and one would only assume he found it cute. [color=00a651]"What is your special? Oh and your name, I would take either." [/color] Levi giggled and gawked at the southern belle before him, turning away from the bar to maintain his composure before promptly answering his question. “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not…” Levi smiled and quirked his head in a playful way as he placed an empty glass onto the coaster adjacent to the man, “-This morning, our special is a Southern Coffee Cocktail; it contains: 1 oz. espresso, 1 oz. vodka and whipped caramel cream.” Once Levi had finished reciting the ingredients, his eyes quickly darted away from the handsome man sitting before him; Levi didn’t know if it was his way of playing ‘hard-to-get’ or if it was purely an instinctual defense mechanism his body had conjured up to keep himself forever single, either way the man appeared interested. “Eh, it’s Levi by the way.” He managed to choke out, displaying a deeper rosy color on his cheeks; his heart felt it was going to beat out of his chest as he awaited a reply.