[center][h2]James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Seating[/h2][/center] [center][@hatakekuro][@Lugubrious][/center] James had been watching the end of the match intently and had a frown on his face. Blood Magic wasn't an evil magic, but the aura he got from the man using it...[color=Navy]"I feel that we should consider ourselves lucky this is a public spectacle. That man has evil in his heart, I can feel it from here."[/color] He didn't feel any need to explain his reasoning, it was something he'd been good at doing since he had discovered his magic, a paladin's innate nature to sense the good and evil around them. [center][h2]Damian Gerard|Arena area[/h2][/center] [center][@Caits][@JoshuaTamashii][/center] Damian nodded to Jack and watched Master Jamie storm off. This wasn't going to work. [color=FireBrick]"I've already talked it over with Master Fraquar, he's contacting his people now. Go ahead and let Master Jack know what happened and then meet up with Fraquar. I've gotta set my guild master straight."[/color] Damian didn't follow right behind Jamie, instead opting to take a more circular route and cut her off. [color=FireBrick]"You can't seriously think we can do this alone, can you?! That YOU can go alone? What about the bonds we've forged? Your friendship with Master Jack? Our relationships with other guilds?"[/color] Damian didn't give Master Jamie a chance to get a word in, pushing forward. [color=FireBrick]"You worry someone will get hurt, that others will get hurt, but what about you, Jamie? What happens if you get hurt because you didn't want to accept help? Iron Enigma is a DARK GUILD for god's sake! They will KILL YOU without a second thought! You know this and you're going to try and do it alone anyways. I'm sorry, but I won't allow it. As for the other guilds, they know what they're doing and what they get into when they offer their help. If they get hurt,"[/color] he points towards another guild's member, who didn't notice thankfully, [color=FireBrick]"it's on them, not us, not you. For once in your life, stop trying to be Atlas and let us help."[/color]