[center] Real appearance: [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/025/f/0/blind_anime_girl_with_red_hair_by_renxrin-d73ndy3.jpg[/img] yes she is blind Costume/form: [img]http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i72/keaton_the_mystical_fox/Anime-girl-with-white-hair-and-red-eyes-3.jpg[/img] in this form she can see but only through pieces of glass that she controls also in this form she has goggles that she is able to change the tint of. Real name: Erin T. Brigets Alias: Mirrored Maiden Age: 15 Birth date: January 5, 2000 Gender: Female Power: Transformation Glass/Mirror Manipulation Personality: The girl known as Erin is a bit of an insane girl who loves to dance even though she can't see a thing. she is quite the loveable character though her other form is another story. In her other form she is more serious and talks a lot less but that's probably because she can see..... more or less. She loves soft things whatever form she is in and has a few plushies that are attached to a keychain which hangs out her pocket. History: Erin has lived alone for almost all her life..... well since she was five and she had discovered that she is basically two people,one with powers and the ability to see, and the other was more or less normal though was completely blind. She had lived with her aunt for a long time but when she she had died there was no one else to take tare of her except her other self. When Erin left on her own she constantly changed into her other form just because she could see and they found residence in the abandoned mansion where they protected themselves for years. Thanks to them the mansion they stay in is said to be haunted by a demon that resides in the mirrors. Other: Her power is split into two people basically. when her form changed the previous personality basically takes a back seat but is still conscious. [/center] What do you think so far?[@NekoJordan]