[@Suku] I'm waiting for the response from my CO-GMs, just in case they see something I fail to see. We (GM and CO-GMS) all agreed to have a council session for most of the RP's decisions and characters. Once my Co(s) accept your character, feel free to put her in the CS. I'll let you know once they do. Edit: [@Suku] I just rerunned over your profile and I do happen to see some problems. First of all for her Twin Blades, 'Their rapid attacks leave no opening for an opponent to counterattack.' That part I'm not loving so much. If anything, make it as if they leave little opening, but not invincible. Requip Magic and Sword Magic look a little bland at first glance. They happen to lack in detail about what Requip armors Akatsuki uses and it's sword magic (If anything you can put the link to it's page in the Fairy Tail Wiki). Try to make out what armors and she uses and which in what form (take my profile on Erza as an example). The rest of the profile looks fine, just concentrate a bit more on the magic parts and you'll be good to go.