[@Scrapula][@Obscurus][@XxLyraxX][@Plank Sinatra][@GeliophobHyena][@GoddessSophia][@Kaithas][@karamonnom][@LadyTale][@Altered Tundra][@Conibear][@Sodium] Okay. I've updated the front page with all of the accepted characters and I hope it looks good to you, guys. If not, just know that it's 2 A.M. and I am dead tired. Haha. But anyways, all of the characters look nice and awesome and I think we are ready to start this sooner rather than later. If anyone objects, please let me know though I have the final say so for when I want to start. :P I thank everyone that has made a character and shown interest in the RP, as your dedication means so much to me. Also, do not be afraid to test the waters and try to handle another character, if you wish. :) Anyways, this RP will be starting later today. Just a heads up. Before I post the first post though, I will put up the NPC list of characters and that will showcase the headmaster and headmistress along with the rest of the Faculty. Okay? Okay. ^_^