[b]master Jamie[/b] [@zarkun] Jamie let out a frustrat e growl as Damian cut her off. Being yelled at, and belittled was no enjoyable. [color=f26522]"you didn't want to do it my way. I do not wish to endanger other guilds, no matter if they know what they are doing or not because of my own foolishness. You can say that if they choose to help it isn't my fault if they get hurt, but it is. Just like its my fault that this happened. So I endangered the guild because I didn't stop to think about the danger of attacking the magic council just for one member. I will not endanger another guild. I have been fighting dark guilds for 20 plus years. I know what I am doing. How do your think it would be, if I went to master Jack and had to say "oh sorry, I killed Jackie"? That would damage my relationship with Jack, and I won't allow it to happen because of my foolishness, so kindly stop arguing with me because it's not going to change anything!" [/color] [b]tidius[/b] [@t2wave] Tidius swallowed the bite he had taken, almost methodical, as he experienced the magic, truly amazed. He knew it wouldn't stay with him, but the feel of it was just...amazing. The best feeling in the world, that he had experi need so far. Pondering, he took another bite, curious. He wondered if there was a way to store the magic within himself, and making a note, he decided to ask Ariel just how it felt when she absorbed the magic. [b]sasha[/b] [@lmpkio][@yipeeXD] Sasha decided that she couldn't do this, not right then. She was already tired, and she ran her hands over her face, before standing. [color=6ecff6]"I don't think I can do this, right now. Marlene, I'm sorry to just leave you, when you're new and all, but it's just too much. I'm going to go sleep"[/color] she hoped Lazarus would stop time lord from following her, really just wanting to get away right then