[img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/e43d/f/2015/023/f/e/render_139___24_1_2015___anime_girl_by_mizumikid-d8f3lym.png[/img] [center][b]"Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege."[/b][/center] Username: Estelle Name: Leiko Ikeda Age: 20 Gender: Female Class: Troubador Rank: Member House: Tosen Weapons: Mend (does that count?) Personality: Leiko is polite and feminine, though at times she can be extremely sarcastic to hide her frustrations. This can be seen when something goes unfavorable for her. She's naive and stubborn, once she's made a decision, she's sticking to it. Leiko can be a little proud, often thinking that she knows what's best for others. Most specifically when someone is injured. Her way of showing how she cares at the same time, her knowledge of a person's health. Leiko is optimistic and often seen with a smile on her face. Whenever she's angered, she'd either be quiet or she'd be ranting about her qualms, sarcasm coating her words. Short Biography: Leiko has had a happy childhood mixed with proper etiquette of being a lady, as well as lessons in magic. This has made her quite proper and a little stiff. During her early years, she was often made to practice different types of magic, wind, fire, and the like. She failed miserably at those but showed potential with healing magic. As time passed, she became well equipped with healing magic, while her expertise of fire, thunder and wind was relatively average. She hasn't exactly practiced those areas in magic because she knew she didn't do well. So, she saw it fit to master healing magic above the rest because it was where she had shown potential. Once monsters had begun to cause havoc, she felt an odd sense of responsibility. After all, she had practiced healing magic, what's the point in not using it? With her parents blessing, she set out to help the house of Tosen. Other: She wears a necklace that her parents had given her for good luck.