[quote=@Fallenreaper] Simpler yes, but rather limiting. Not to mention there's only so many elements you can use before you start to repeat. A base line and good CS tamplate, that can be modified if needed, might much easier for newbies as most I see are just learning the ropes. Like myself. Not to mention, having closely formatted CSes might allow it be to be easier to compared stats and create a positive habit while still allowing creative freedom. Also, maybe a list of powers examples considered too powerful for the tourney level might also help newbies scale their creativity to the proper levels. At least know what might be considered a bad idea or request ideas of how to limit it down. Creativity is just as much as part of the arena as actual writing and balance, at least last I knew. [/quote] Exactly my thoughts I couldn't agree more. [quote=@MelonHead] Yeah, a format template with more carefully considered stat limits would be good for a fair tourny. Something interesting would be a base human template, with average strength speed and agility, and then the option to min-max on those stats, followed by a low level power. Almost like a battle between DnD characters. [/quote] I actually made a test format in OLDguild with that 5v5 that laid witness to the tragic horse incident of 2013, and have been thinking about remaking one for this guild complete with a basic class system of sorts. That mostly follows the TVtrops of Glass Canon and The Wall, etc, thus making characters allot more balanced overall, rather then them ending up with prefect strength, speed, and endurance. Hopefully it will also prevent mini-maxing that Skalla managed, giving himself Godly in every skill set. >.> Cause the gods forbid he make a character anyone has a chance against, but I digress. See where was this kind of feed back when I asked Chat months/weeks ago? I'll probably install in into the next 5v5 I do, and due to it being only Tier 1's as well as being a group match up (which people prefer going into if it's their first time it seems) it will be a prefect place for rookies to get their feet wet, if I can find the time with all the stuff going on.