[centre][h1][b][u][color=6ecff6]Yuri Tynko[/color][/u][/b][/h1][/centre] Yuri watched as he inspected more and more Cadets. He disappeared amongst the crowd in the distance, only to return to their side once again. He had the tall posture on him. Every-so-often a shout could be heard from him. The sound of his leg sweeping someone off their feet or the iron fist slamming into their chests. He didn't mess around. That was something to both fear and respect from the man. The Chief-Instructor had been doing this for at least an hour and forty-six minutes, and some of the Trainees legs became tiresome. Yuri, on the other-hand, was rather fine with his standing. Back at the shop, he used to have to stand outside and greet customers as part of his monthly duties. Though his upper-body didn't look too powerful, his lower was surely a different story...Eventually, Arek arose higher up onto a podium which looked down upon them from not-too-afar. He carried a ceremonial cane with him as he stood up to the front, two supporting Instructors stood either side of him. [color=8882be]"Trainees!"[/color] He began to boom into the wintery air. It was clear, like speaking into an amplifying cone. [color=8882be]"May I be the first to say, not the 'greatest' First Parade I have had to deal with. Uniform problems..."[/color] The Instrucor's head nodded to his left, the opposite side of where Yuri and Grant were. [color=8882be]Back-chatting...moving...an inability to keep their fucking hands to themselves...talking...whispering. This list could go on for another ten minutes, but I should keep it short and simple. Not impressed so far...although...there were a good selection I did see however who do [i]'shine out'[/i] more than their comrades."[/color] Yuri could only dream about himself being involved in that list. It was his almighty wish to become one of the greatest trainees in selection. He did not want the privileges of joining the Military Police, however, like the majority of the Trainees did. He wanted what his heart desired...[color=8882be]"I see trainees who will pass. I see trainees who will fail. I see trainees who will become the best around, achieving the Top-Ten ranks for graduation. That is where you should all be aiming to fly up to! Number one. Anyone with the concern to end up any lower isn't a Soldier. Anyone not wanting the best out of their training is not a Soldier. Anyone who I bare to give the actual respect to flash a glimpse at should be prepared to show me your true potential. Your futures are for me to decide, and that can only happen if you are prepared to throw away all the pathetic, rich, poor, sobby, tragic, happy lives that you lived to get here. From what I understand now, you have struck luck to actually get this speech from me. You've all been through the Theory tests. You've all gone through the standard lesson plans and everything. Cake-walk!"[/color] Yuri's attention was fully on the man. Though some around him were starting to drear off, he managed to keep full-focus on his superior, analysing ever word-for-word that spilt from his lips. [color=8882be]"I want to see you do what I command, when I command. If I tell you to jump, you say [i]'How High'[/i]...If I tell you to run, you say [i]'How far, sir'[/i]...If I tell you to charge into the face of the enemy, you will do it. You will do whatever I say, whatever the instructors say and even whatever the visiting soldiers from other regiments say. Forget your fathers, your mothers, your sisters...We are the one's you listen to now. Now do I make myself [b]Clear, understandable and understood?[/b]"[/color] Within the instant, the response came in. [color=6ecff6]"AYE SIR!"[/color] Yuri belted out-loud, along with what he hoped was all of the Trainees. They were completely in-sync. It was quite a beautiful sound to hear. The sound of chests being thumped with the salute and the screams of respect and understanding trainees. It was quite exciting. Yuri felt his own heart start to beat. [color=8882be]"That is what I like to hear. Now, when I dismiss you, I want you to spend the next hour getting to know your fellow comrades. Someone you need to fight with is important. It'll give you a reason to fight for them. Knowing who fights at your side makes chances stronger."[/color] From the bottom of Arek's lungs, he commanded out with great force. [color=8882be]"PARADE, PARADE...DISMISSED!"[/color] The Trainees saluted, turned 45° to their right. After the 3 second interval, they marched out three paces, then turned back into each other. Trainees began to slowly start socialising and doing as he commanded. Yuri regrouped with Grant and began to shake himself. [i][color=6ecff6]"Oh god? I have to start talking, like now!"[/color][/i] He mused to himself. His body shook and his arms followed. Grant sighed and began to stand next to him, waiting for the trainees to come to the two tall ones. They seemed to be avoided, being some of the elder Trainees. The two faced rearwards, seeing if anyone were to approach them from there...