[@ImNotADamnRobot][@Mcmolly] This place filled with magma and strange creatures was a sharp contrast to Amsterdam. The first hour after waking up in this place was a complete shock to Filip and he did not know how to react to the whole situation. Luckily it seemed that he was not the only one that had been dragged to this place as he had found two others that seemed to be just as confused as he was. He couldn't put his finger on what felt different about himself but he knew that something may have been changed within him making him act slightly more rational than he should be right now. The former resident of earth could barely see through the thick smoke as he looked behind in to see of there was another way around this door but to no avail. [color=00aeef]"Definitely feels thick, like a vault. Maybe there's a lock somewhere?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Sorry that's rude of me, all in a hurry and what not. I'm Shill, it's nice to meet you two. Do kinda wish it was under better circumstances though."[/color] Filip smiled towards the smaller of his traveling companions has he thought over what he had said about the door. Maybe they should knock on the door couldn't hurt to just try and see what would happen. He was about to let them know his thoughts when suddenly the larger of the pair grabbed Shill by the scarf and was threatening to beat him up. [color=fff200]"Come on now. I don't see a reason why we need to fight right now. We are all in the same boat here it would seem and none of us have the answers that you want. Which is why we work together and at least knock on his door to see what happens. It couldn't hurt to try."[/color] Filip said with a friendly smile as he tried to get the man to calm down and become level headed. Though he was trying to be friendly he was slightly tense as he was preparing himself if the man did attempt to come at him instead and it seemed as those the smaller animals in the area were now watching the event.