[hider=Wyatt Blackwood][CENTER][IMG]http://41.media.tumblr.com/c698c0bf97a02fb1854075a063ddee87/tumblr_nmkjmneFtC1qfgs5qo1_500.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Wyatt Blackwood [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Personality:[/b] Wyatt is known for being very intelligent and hardworking. He is not one to procrastinate so when a job is needed to be done, he completes it fast and efficiently. Because of this, people note how passionate and enthusiastic he can be about things. He is the type to cry if he receives anything below an A. Wyatt is a very logical thinker, relying more on factual evidence than intuition. Although this often helps him cleverly deduce information that many others miss, this causes him to be a very skeptical person. Wyatt can also be described as the voice of reason and quite the perfectionist. He likes to take on roles that have responsibility which sometimes leads him to be a bit of an overachiever. Because of his opinionated, interfering nature, Wyatt had the reputation for being a bossy know-it-all. He can be very blunt and argumentative when it comes to his opinions. His sometimes abrasive attitude is what masks his deep insecurities and fear of failure. The fact that he's muggleborn plays a factor in why he must be better than everyone else just to prove a point. Despite this, Wyatt is very loyal to his friends and those he loves. He is willing to jump in front of a bullet to protect those he cares about and is very friendly to those he gets along with. [b]History:[/b] Wyatt was born from two muggles in the ghettos of South London. Him and his family didn't always have much and his parents had to work long hours just to support them. This often lead Wyatt to be at home by himself the majority of the time. During this time, he would read many books, solve puzzles, and do chores to pass up the time. He wasn't a big TV watcher but he would take a peak at things from time to time. Being an avid book reader boosted his intelligence and was quite the academic prodigy in primary school. He would always be referred to as the teacher's pet and would never get in trouble. This caused other students to dislike him which lead to nonstop bullying and teasing. Wyatt just pretended they weren't there and went about with his business. He never understood the concept of needing friends to begin with. His friends were his books and his parents. One day when he was walking home from school, a group of troublesome boys decided to pick on him. They pushed him around a bit until he took a tumble to the ground, scraping his arm. It took everything in him not to cry because he didn't want to give them the satisfaction. The only thing he could do was close his eyes and wished they would leave him alone. He knew it probably wouldn't do anything because it wasn't like they were the boogymen or anything. When he opened his eyes he was shocked to find the bullies hanging up side down from a tree branch as they screamed for help. Wyatt couldn't help be giggle to himself before he ran home. Unbeknownst to him, what he just did was magic. A few days after that happened, he received a strange letter in the mail inviting him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He knew it was probably some kind of joke since there were no such thing as witches and wizards. Right before he could set the letter down, there was a knock at the door. It happened to be his neighbor who had been living next door to them for as long as he could remember. His neighbor just so happened to know about the letter he received and started explaining what was going on. It turns out, Wyatt's neighbor was something known as a Squib; a child of a witch or wizard who didn't receive any powers. Even though his neighbor had no magic of his own, he was entrusted by the Ministry of Magic the title of watching over Wyatt and his family since he was a baby. His neighbor had also told Wyatt that he showed signs of magic as an infant which alerted the Ministry of his existence, causing the Squib to move next door and get to know his family. Of course being the skeptical person Wyatt is, he needed to see proof. So after the Squib filled his parent in on the ordeal, he invited them to a pub called the Leaky Cauldron. There he introduced them to Diagon Alley. Wyatt's parents were both excited and scared for their son since this was a whole new world for him. Despite their worries, Wyatt's parents allowed him to attend so he could better himself and not live a life like them. As of now Wyatt has all of the supplies needed for school, as well as a wand and cat he named Jinx, and is ready to head out to Hogwarts. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a8/41/f8/a841f82bba4892b7c99410f89991d2bc.jpg[/img] [b]Blood Status:[/b] Muggleborn [b]Wand:[/b] [u][i]Wood[/i][/u] - Holly and Ebony [u][i]Length[/i][/u] - 12 1/2 inches [u][i]Core[/i][/u] - Griffin Feather [hider=Wand Image] [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=9934560[/img][/hider] [b]Pet:[/b] A black cat named Jinx [hider=Pet Image] [img]http://d1vmcse0jge0ha.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Black_Cat_300x225.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Dumbledore[/b] [/CENTER][/HIDER]