[quote=@KiltmanBagz] At first I was thinking the Common Raven, given it is the visual raven people are most familare with. Hard to beat a classic ya know? But I'm starting to really drift towards a [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pS1D576Fn8Y/T-odHUpbc1I/AAAAAAAAAzA/T9QwcDyPUa8/s1600/550.White-necked+Raven+05+rs.jpeg]White[/url] [url=http://media.jungledragon.com/images/2005/24519_medium.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=05GMT0V3GWVNE7GGM1R2&Expires=1444262410&Signature=qh7129%2FvOwuWA0k0eiumM4Tk%2FpQ%3D]Necked[/url] [url=http://www.oiseaux.net/photos/callie.de.wet/images/corbeau.a.nuque.blanche.cadw.1g.jpg]Raven[/url]. They have this rather unique estetic that I find amusing. IDK, thoughts? [/quote] I just compared the two, and I think the white necked is the way to go. It's neck is a bit shorter, it seems, which looks better. It also adds some much needed flair. Good choice, dude.