finished the cs! [hider=Adelaide] Name: Adelaide Age: 18 [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: [list] [*] quiet, reserved; very shy in general [*] generally hesitant when talking to people because she's wary of accidentally picking up some facial features or mannerisms [*] very protective in general, especially of children and animals [*] sweet and kind when you get to know her; fiercely loyal [*] but when she gets really angry, she can be terrifying as she takes on aspects of more intimidating personalities/forms [/list] Personal History: She doesn't remember much of her past. Every time she assimilates a piece from someone else, her oldest memories start to fade, albeit very slowly. Due to this, she both avoids accidental mimicry at all costs, and has no memories of the first few years of her life. She only hazily remembers her parents; they were poor, and dumped her when she was six or so when she started developing Powers. She could have made plenty of cash using her powers—as a model, as an athlete, as a sideshow freak—but she was afraid of losing even more of her life, so she lived on minimum wage short-term jobs for as long as she could. That is, of course, until she joined the World Breakers—both as a way to do good, and because the only interactions she's ever had with other Powered people have been decidedly negative. (more to be revealed through the IC) Power: Mimicry. Adelaide can exactly replicate the appearance, voice, and physical capabilities (including some muscle memory; how to fire a gun, how to do a backflip) of anyone she's met or has pictures of. In the case of the Powered, she can even (to an extent) replicate their powers—but as much weaker shadows of their former selves. (i.e., creating sparks instead of summoning lightning bolts, small candle-like flames instead of fireballs) Trying to use false powers much more than that is highly dangerous, and carries a high risk of backfire. Specializations: Agility and Power Subspecialization: Intelligence Weakness: Strength [/hider]