Vladimir walked into the presence of a mighty dragon, he looked up through the glass lenses staring at death itself. the dragon moved and lowered its head to inspect him. Vladimir stood his ground although his heart was racing. when the Dragons great eye was level with him it spoke "I am Ying the dragon of Death who might you be mortal?" Snapped the dark dragon as he looked at him with sharp snarl across of his face. The voice sounded as though it was simply echoing through Vladimir's soul. as though it wasn't sound in his ears but reached deeper and that the dragon was speaking to his soul, not his body. he felt confident that the dragon could speak with a deaf man. Vladimir thought carefully for a brief moment, 'What i do next decides my future.' Vladimir decides that the dragon deserved the deepest respect. He slowly drops to his knees as though in worship of the dragon, he opened his mouth a fraction and realized he must say something. He introduces himself as he had always done, from peasants to generals to kings and death would be no different. He speaks, unsure if the dragon could hear his well so he speaks up with a firm strength to his voice. "I am Apothecary Vladimir, but most simply call me Apothecary" as he spoke he realized that there was still some fear in the voice, and the tone trembled briefly.