I'm more aware of how this site operates than what you all may think. But what I'm trying to say is that I don't plan on restricting the minimum age of the characters just because someone said that my group is [i]potentially[/i] guilty of becoming shotacon at some [i]hypothetical[/i] point, even though it may never happen. It's like everybody is assuming that just because this is yaoi it means that all the players will crave for smut and won't care about the rules, instead of viewing it just as any other normal group, just that we only have boys here. Since you all love rules that much, I would invite you to follow them and, since this is an interest check, post only if you have at least a slight interest, but instead I'll do something more productive with my time; I'll help you spreading the rules trough the community. So please, go to this other interest check, http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85577-olympus-rp-anyone/ooc which is also romance based and takes place in a school, and tell the op to change the plot because, hey, that group is definitely [i]potentially[/i] dangerous. In fact, it has a lot of more chances of having underaged sex than mine. But, oh wait, it's not yaoi so it's fine. *sigh* Look, I don't care. I'm not interested anymore in playing here, so do whatever you want. But I hope this helps you to realize how different your treatment has been towards me and my rp just because it has a certain tag.