Ved He had stood silently throught the entire encounter, keeping an eye on the woman with the bow. As the second newcomer came and began barking suggestions, he growled silently to himself. He was an Anarchist and a Socialist, meaning that authority did not exsist, nor did seperation. Everything was done by the people as a whole, or it didn't happen at all. Walking near Lydia, he turned to her, grabbing her bow and chucked it in a solid motion, then as if nothing happened and continued walking. He through it far enough that if she drew it on him, he would have enough time to round a corner into an aisle before the arrow was even fired. [color=9e0b0f]"Threaten me again, and you'll find yourself looking like one of the Infected back there."[/color] He said with a chuckle, knowing that he would likely be capable of it. He knew the others were intimidated, not many people can survive that number of infected with an automatic rifle, let alone with a pair of brass knuckles and fist knives.