[quote=@Fallenreaper] In coming wall of text, and I tried to condensed it but I was enjoying the conversations a bit too much. Considering you have one loss... someone was able to stand up to your PC. Just not sure who and details of it. Though I have to agree with Khan, you have some powerful CSes and seriously intimidating pcs. Sorry for the wall, guys, I really am so don't kick my ass. >,< [/quote] I lost to DJAtomika because I had to stop fighting at the time, I forfeited the fight. I have a lost before, I will lose again. I have powerful characters for a reason, most of them I have had in one iteration or another for years. I have made new characters here, characters with little or no power, but those tend to be overlooked and ignored, so I have stopped trying to appease people and their idea of fairness. If you want to fight me, you have to face what I have. *Shrug* At this point I have little to prove to anyone in terms of textual dueling.