If this is still open . . . [center] [color=662d91][b][h3]Alice Maccabeus McGarvey[/h3][/b][/color] [color=662d91][b]Age:[/b][/color] [i]24[/i] [color=662d91][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [i]Female[/i] [color=662d91][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [i]Omnisexual[/i][/center] [color=662d91][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Twisted, disturbing and corrupt, yet still retaining the ability to move according to logical thought - or, at the very least, what [i]seems[/i] like logic. Alice is a broken woman who was put back together in the a very wrong way. She is cunning, but random, friendly, but manipulative, but above all, dangerous to every [i]thing[/i], including herself. Trying to predict her next move is an exercise in futility; her personality shifts when she sees fit to do so, and moreover, it is near impossible to tell if she is faking them or not - most times, not even Alice herself can tell if the feelings she puts on display are genuine. Alice has no compunctions or grievances in taking [i]any[/i] sort of actions, no matter how dangerous or questionable they are; sometimes, she may even do something simply for the sake of doing it. Despite how random she is, however, there is but a single consistent train of thought that can be found most of her decisions: Her survival above everyone else's. [color=662d91][b]Appearance: (will draw her sometime soon)[/b][/color] Alice short, stands at an average height of 165cm, with pale white skin and green eyes. Her black hair is cut roughly, as if a knife had been used by unskilled hands. She has a heart shaped face with prominent cheek bones and pale pink lips. Her fingers and legs are noticeably long and slender. Her chest size is also noticeable, especially due to her tendency to where tight clothing. By all means, she could be considered a very attractive woman, were it not for the madness that frequently makes itself evident as a spark in her eyes. [color=662d91][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Moving silently [*] Proficient at using a knife and dagger [*] Highly agile and; [*] Extremely fast runner [*] Good situational and physical awareness [*] Surprisingly strong [*] Flexible [/list] [color=662d91][b]Biography:[/b][/color] [sub][i]It was her wedding day - that was what she first remembered. The undead brought catastrophe - that was what she remembered second. Alice Maccabeus McGarvey, her name - that was what she had remembered third.[/i][/sub] Alice's earliest memories date back to exactly one month ago - anything else, she can't remember clearly. She woke up, covered in debris and furniture, yet miraculously unharmed, as if she had been buried precisely so she would not die. She assumed it was her house, as the first thing she found while searching the empty and messy home was a note crumpled near her hands, a note addressed to her: [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][center][i]Don't try to remember, forget everything you ever where, and don't go looking for clues. Your old life ended the moment I finished writing this letter, Alice. It's better this way; you would never be able to survive in the world now as the old you. But you have to live, you have to live because that's what you promised. So no matter what it takes, live on[/i][/center] [right][i]~AMW[/i][/right][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] Compelled to follow the letter, for the reasons that it was the most logical thing to do, and that, no matter what, she felt like whoever had written that letter was undeniably [i]right[/i], Alice has since traveled for a month, doing whatever was necessary to survive. Unfortunately, the horrors and atrocities she so committed by both human and not has twisted her personality from its original blank slate. Only time will tell what will happen to her next. [color=662d91][b]Motive:[/b][/color] T[sup][sup][sup]to[/sup][/sup][/sup]O S[sup][sup][sup]fi[/sup][/sup][/sup]U[sup][sup][sup]nd[/sup][/sup][/sup]R[sup][sup][sup]a[/sup][/sup][/sup]V[sup][sup][sup]r[/sup][/sup][/sup]I[sup][sup][sup]ea[/sup][/sup][/sup]V[sup][sup][sup]son[/sup][/sup][/sup]E[sup][sup][sup]to[/sup][/sup][/sup]