Lazarus Marlene was... optimistic to say the least. Though not a lot was known about the time lord, he was almost certain that her crystal make magic wouldn't be a match for him. If his name was anything to go by, his magic would be to do with manipulating time, which would put Marlene, a wizard relying on physical created matter to fight, at a huge disadvantage. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey." He through a satanic glare from over her shoulder at the time lord. "I think you should leave." He grunted. Nudging Marlene aside. He fists shined brightly. "I don't know what you want. But my comrade does not wish to speak with you." he paused. "If you're that adamant you're going to speak with her. I'll give you a taste of how scary I used to be." His voice boomed over the whooshing of his magical aura.