[u]Matt[/u] The bell rang, confusing Matt. As far as he had known, nobody had to go to class if they didn't want to. A piece of paper materialized in his hand. Matt looked at it, and it showed that Matt had been incorrect. People were supposed to go to class as usual. [i]Hm... Well this throws me off completely.[/i] Matt thought, and read it. It was his school schedule. First on the list was biology. Not one of Matt's favorites. Matt sighed, slipped the paper into his pocket, and rubbed his temples. He couldn't recall where or when he was told he didn't have to go to class. It was as if it just appeared there. Maybe some kid at the academy thought it would be funny to play mind tricks on people. [b]"I guess class is something we're supposed to do after all. See ya, Farrow.[/b] Matt said, and began walking towards his classroom.