Here is my application for Archon of Ice. :) [center][b]Name:[/b] Deidre (Deedee) Marquez Age: 25 Archon of: Ice[/center] [center][hider=Current Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Natural Form][img] [/img][/hider][/center] [b][u]Physical Attributes[/u][/b] [b]Appearance:[b] Deidre is average. She has long brown hair, and wears reading glasses occasionally that she doesn’t really need. Her complexion is almost olive, and her skin is generally flawless. However, Deidre works hard to maintain this appearance. Naturally, she has pure white hair, solid black eyes, and skin that almost looks gray in the night. Her nose is very flat, with small openings and almost no shape. Deidre covers her skin, just in case, and likes to wear layers. [b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b] Her body will change to its natural form if she is injured. She isn’t terribly strong, and if she changes forms to a burlier one, she still has to build the muscle mass if she wants to do more than intimidate. [b]Physical Strengths:[/b] She heals quickly (in her natural form), and can reset her own broken bones. She is good at running, both short and long distances. She took a taekwondo class after school for years and can defend herself in a physical fight. [u][b]Mental Attributes[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] Deidre is a secretive person, but she likes the idea of being outgoing. As such, she tries quite hard to be sociable and friendly, and is easy to follow other people’s leads. People think that she always keeps her cool, but it is really that she doesn’t wear her pain or heart on her sleeve. Guys tend to think that she is distant, which is true. Deidre doesn’t like how she pushes people away, but had a hard time doing anything else. She doesn’t know why she was born a freak, but she is grateful that she can make herself normal. [b]Likes:[/b]music, documentaries, card/board games [b]Dislikes:[/b] chick flicks, art museums, dating [b]Phobias:[/b] Being seen as herself, and called a freak. Singing in public (and having her voice change) [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [b]Biography:[/b] Deidre didn’t know her parents. She grew up in a group home for children, in a world filled with only humans. She had asked a few times what happened to her parents, if they had left her, or been killed in an accident, but she received different answers every time. When she learned what was wrong with her, she was terrified, and did her best to hide it. That meant making sure she looked enough like the other kids to pass off as normal, as human. She tended to have problems throughout her life with maintaining this façade. When the other kids gradually aged, she didn’t. She had no idea how to control that aspect of her appearance, and so she tended to look younger than the other children who were meant to be her age. Deidre tried to stay out of trouble, and out of fights as a child. She learned quickly that if she were injured, her skin would begin to change, and she was terrified of it coming out as to what she was. When she was old enough to look it up at a library, she found only myths and legends of monsters. She didn’t feel like a monster, and she didn’t want to be treated like one, so she did her best to become invisible, in a figurative sense of the word. As she became a teenager, and other children from the home began to stay out late and break rules, she had to as well—to keep from standing out. She was still polite and generally timid, but when the other children told her to walk down the street and distract a man so they could steal his wallet, she didn’t feel as if she could refuse. When they told her to wait with a [i]friend’s[/i] car for them to arrive and then drive them to another [i]friend’s[/i] house, Diedre of course obliged. She didn’t know that the car was stolen, and so was the contents of their bags…well, a part of her did know, but she chose to ignore that information. These were her friends, and she supported them. That’s what friends did…right? [u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u] [b]Typical form of combat:[/b]taekwondo- a bit rusty, but knows how to not get assaulted by creepy guys, loved archery when it was done in school [b]Preferred Team Role:[/b]Field medic (couldn’t afford to send kids to the hospital every time they fell off something), distractions through shapeshifting, or voice changing. [b]Weapon:[/b]nunchucks [b]Unique Equipment:[/b]possessions are like people, disappointing when we expect much out of them.