Emeka watches the ensuing battle with a quiet interest, on one side are the spiders, with their strange milky shells. On the other there are these creatures, brutish humanoid’s with large and muscles. Unfortunately the monster men are outnumbered, and all though they seem to have a power of their own it does not seem enough to overcome. He decides to watch, after all it is not his battle. The strong would win and the weak fall, that was the way of nature and Emeka had no intention of changing it any other way. He also wanted to observe the monster men, they seemed far more intelligent than the spiders. If things went their way in this battle he would allow them to become his soldiers. A first step in his conquest of this strange land. However his observance was interrupted as one of his companions decided to intervene, the metal man Aron. Of course at that time the little girl Allison voiced her disapproval towards helping the monster men. Although agreed with the girl, he did not agree with her reason for approval. It was just that Emeka could not understand the need for it, what benefit was there to interrupt another’s fight. Their actions had attracted the attention of both the monster peoples and the spiders. It seemed that the fates would once again force him into battle, not that he was too disappointed by the opportunity. Although monster men were weary of his companions and Emeka, mainly due to Allison’s words. He was sure that the spiders were definitely hostile due to Aron’s attack. Also since it was easier to communicate with the monster men, they were the obvious side to help. “I seems I have little choice now but to help” he said “I will close in on the spiders, as long as I have some cover” he said, hoping to provide some shape to their actions. A battle field required knowledge and control over ones foes and friends. Emeka stood tall, his tall frame causing a looming shadow to stretch from his feet. As he drew strength from within him, it felt like a warm raging river, asking , begging for release. He pushed the river through his hands, causing them to glow yellow, as the air rippled around it from the heat. With a quick motion he picked up a rock, it instantly glowed red hot in Emeka’s hands. Then with a powerful through he shot the rock at the frozen spider. Then with another surge of strength from his legs he began running to his side, parallel to the spiders. Each step pushed him faster, though he did not augment them with his fire yet. He planned to begin to pick up more rocks before action broke out once again. Once the spiders were sufficiently distracted, he would use his burst step to close in on the spiders.