Although Metz was unable to manipulate his earthen pillar further without magic, he still had the ability to return the earth to its natural state at will after imbuing it with mana. He waited a few moments after the searing fire left the area, the fire having had the effect of heating up the surroundings slightly but with only a three second burn time having no real long term effects. Then, when he was satisfied it was likely he safe he removed the earth pillar while his left hand sank to his belt and pulled out another vial of pure mana, preparing to drink it if necessary. Habit forced him to see if his foe had been slain before he used the precious mana, though it would perhaps have been more tactically sound to drink it immediately. The rock sank around him abruptly, showing him the effect of his fire. His opponent was below him, though he had no way of knowing it at that moment, and was somehow flash-freezing a huge area with his cold magic through solid rock. Metz was only just able to feel the slight chill in the air, as rock beneath him shifted and cracked from the sudden changes in temperature and its general mistreatment. With a head for elemental magic the Mage was fairly confident it was unlikely his heat treatment would destabilise the rock to the extent that it could fall apart, even if his foe continued to use his unfamiliar cold magic upon it. “Now, where are you? I know you’re still alive, I can feel the cold.” He looked around the platforms with his gun at the ready, and then quickly looked up above himself. “Hope this bastard can’t make himself invisible, hah.” His eyes widened. “Shit.” Realising he wasn’t being killed by an invisible assailant, he realised there was only one more place for his foe to be. Beneath the platforms, most likely the very one he was stood upon at that moment. So, how best to eliminate him. He was hopefully injured by the fire, though obviously not dangerously, so maybe magic was the way to go. His foe was quick, and now he had an idea of how the Pillars worked, so he needed to utilize his fastest form of attack. Bolt, the electrical strike that could destroy solid rock with its impact, should be more than suitable for his nimble foe. He would see if he could outrun lightning. He drank the potion quickly, replacing the vial and looking about himself, concentrating on forming the bolt, as the air slowly grew colder, his body warmed with the flow of mana.