[CENTER][Img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mby75oo3wR1qdx9aao1_250.jpg[/Img] [H1]CASSANDRA "CASSIE" REAVER[/H1] 18|SEVENTH YEAR GRYFFINDOR|PUREBLOOD|THE UNWILLING SPY Cassie is a very driven and moral person. She has an all or nothing sort of mentality, and tends to be reckless when it comes to herself. She is very intelligent, and she tries her hardest to make good grades and also maintain a healthy social life. When Cassie was young she ran away from home because of her parents involvement with the Dark Lord and Dark Magic, but has found herself forced into their lifestyle to protect the only people she will call family, the Hendersons. ADDITIONAL -Cassie loves to fly, especially on Hippogriffs, her surrogate father helping in a Magical Creature Preserve has allowed her the opportunity to. -She tends to be outspoken and confident, but after the events of the summer she has become a little withdrawn and reserved. -Her favorite classes are Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and Herbology. -Shebhas a pet owl named Atlas. [/CENTER]