Cutting open the window? With those knuckled knives of her, seaweed head would probably have a better chance of breaking it open than cutting a perfect hole in it. And Darius was much more influenced towards the former than the latter. It'd probably be a horrid screech, like nails against a chalkboard. Before Darius could hammer the church window any further, however, the existence of another person was made known. A child wearing a...plague doctor's mask? Were they in quarantine or something? Was this land of hope infested with some sort of disease? Suddenly, Darius decided that, perhaps, staying inside was better after all. But Joel had already acted, swinging the doors open and triumphantly tasting the air, before asking the oddest question? Were they in heaven? [b]"Of course we aren't,"[/b] Darius replied, ultimately stepping out of the church beside the blond, [b]"Heaven isn't a place where plague doctor kiddos ask random strangers for help, after all." "But I have to ask: why are you so..."[/b] Oh, wait, right, he didn't actually care, so there was no point in asking. Trailing off and awkwardly killing his curiousity, Darius instead took stock of the area around the trio. It was a murky sky, but despite that, he still felt better than before, in the dim sunlight that penetrated the clouds. [@Card Captor][@WaddleDaisy]