[@Altered Tundra] UwU I'm flattered! One of these days we'll actually be able to get a game running, haha! EDIT: loollol looks who didn't really read the prompt. WHATEVER. I'm keeping all my love up here. So, first and foremost is [@TheLeeLee]! We've been writing together for, god, nearly four years now?? It feels like we've always RPed together! We have multiple games with huge casts and AUs and she's just like, my best friend. She develops some of the most interesting characters and she shares my love for HURRR ANGST. We keep each other waiting a lot, bc we are both the worst, but her posts are always hilarious and heart wrenching and magical! I met LeeLee via [@SinfulSkills], and I'm just amazed that such a lovely lady has written with me over the years! Next up is [@Nemaisare], whose patience is legendary. Her characters are dynamic and crazy unique—this brosephine has the best world building ideas, and I love that she shares world building so readily. I get giddy any time I see her post! Then we’ve got [@Alfbie]! Her characters are beautifully developed, and I want to know all their secrets! –grabby hands- [@TheDookieNut] and [@SirensCall] give me my Harry Potter fix and I’m so grateful that they put up with me! ;A; They’re both great at plot. Plus, more friends to babble about Harry Potter with! SOLD! [@ClosetMonster] is amazing. I look to her for inspiration when I need to balance character interactions with environment. <3 [@Cream] is hella patient, like crazy so, and we’ve built some amazing drama and angst >:D [@Mercenary Lord] and I built a crazy intricate world and it’s just been loads of fun! Plus, he can handle a monstrous amount of NPCs which is super awesome and important. [@Howler]’s posts are always a delight! And I tag everyone who I’ve inadvertently forgotten about because my inbox is a nightmare and I’m spacey as shit. ;_; I love all my partners, they’re all the best. <3 <3