And I finally finished, I present the son of Hephaestus. [hider=Zaheen Ibrahim/Hephaestus][center][h1][color=#1DA237]Zaheen Ibrahim[/color][/h1] [IMG][/IMG] [i]"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."[/i] -[b]Benjamin Franklin[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]Name:[/u][/color] Zaheen Ibrahim [color=#1DA237][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Zaheen [color=#1DA237][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] November 4 [color=#1DA237][u]Age:[/u][/color] 19 [color=#1DA237][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Male [color=#1DA237][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] Heterosexual, although he’s a bit too focused on learning to pay attention.[hr] [center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] Zaheen is relatively tall for his age, standing at a height of 6’ 2’’, however unlike many of the Academy’s more endowed students, Zaheen possesses little muscle on that tall frame. Indeed, he is as skinny as one gets without being anorexic. That isn’t to say Zaheen is out of shape, but he definitely won’t be winning any athletic competitions. His head consists of medium length straight black hair, which is normally kept neatly combed. However it is has been known on occasion to turn into a bit of a mess. His face often has a five o’clock shadow, mostly due to forgetfulness than anything else. In short, Zaheen is rather average in appearance, which, considering his father, is probably a blessing from his mother. He generally has a rather relaxed posture, accompanied by a perpetual smile and is always fascinated by the many things around him. [color=#1DA237][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color] Zaheen was never one to care about clothing and thus his focus is on simplicity. As long as something is comfortable and cheap, he will wear it. Whether it be jeans, t-shirts, jackets, etc; practicality, affordability, and comfort are the only factors that matter. That said there is a surprising amount of green in his wardrobe [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Learning [*]Engineering [*]Building [*]Tinkering [*]Teaching [*]Cheering people up [*]Cooking [*]Stories, be that in games, anime, books, movies, etc. [*]Challenging himself [*]Superheroes [*]Writing [*]Helping [*]Learning [*]Did I mention learning?[/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*]People being forced into things they dislike [*]People being unable to follow their dreams [*]Busy work [*]Not being able to learn [*]Hate [*]Suicide [/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*]Being unable to learn [*]The loss of friends [*]The loss of family[/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*]Disassembling and then reassembling things [*]Pointing out fallacies [*]Tinkering with something in his hands[/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Curious♦ Kind Hearted♦ Honest♦ Optimistic[/u][/center] Zaheen’s true love has always been in learning, he loves to learn solely for the pure joy. Hence systems of busy work and pointless memorization, have always confused him. What use is there in reciting a textbook definition when the same concept can be understood and applied in simpler terms? Which is another thing Zaheen greatly enjoys partaking in, applying his knowledge to new machines and devices. He loves taking things apart, so he can put them back together even better. He loves learning about new devices and ideas, so that can create new marvels. At the end of the day, much of Zaheen’s curiosity and intelligence seems to find a practical end, even if his studies were theoretical. Zaheen is also extremely kind hearted, always wishing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He often lends a hand to others with their work, before even starting his own. He sees a certain level of virtue in assisting others in any way he can. Much of this belief stems from a steady diet of heroic stories, in particular the many superhero stories Zaheen grew up reading. He would love to one day find a way to best apply his gifts towards the helping of others, but is a little unsure of whether he has the physical talent to pull it off. Still, despite his own difficulties, Zaheen firmly believes in helping others follow their dreams, and preventing them from being pushed into paths not of their own volition. He is also incredibly honest, some might even say to a fault. He is generally unafraid to speak his mind, and when asked about his personal feelings he will always answer truthfully. Bending the truth is one thing, but flat out lying is something he can not abide by. He believes that conducting himself at the highest standard of virtue, requires a degree of honesty so that one might build up a respectable trust with others. There is little to be gained in the long term after all, from deceit, malice, and lies. Finally Zaheen tries to remain optimistic even in the most troubling of times, often whispering to himself to not be afraid, that everything will be all right. Growing depressed and pessimistic is to Zaheen a worthless endeavour, for the heart scares easily and thus it has to be made a fool. That, Zaheen believes, is how one can muster the courage to face the future. Thus no matter the odds, no matter the difficulties he might face, Zaheen will always face tomorrow with a bright smile on his face and firm belief that a solution can be found. [color=#1DA237][u]Background:[/u][/color] Born in America to immigrants from Pakistan, Zaheen always assumed that he was but another offspring of first generation immigrants. Even his father’s frequent business trips failed to set off any alarms due to how hard all immigrants had to work just to make it to America. Thus Zaheen grew up immersed in two cultures and a mastery of two languages. Indeed, Zaheen always had a loving relationship with both his parents. When his father was home, the two of them would often work on machines around the house, or watch episodes of Nova and Ken Burn’s documentaries. It was his father who fanned the flames of Zaheen’s intense love for learning and encouraged Zaheen to learn even when he was away on his many business trips. It was his mother that spoiled Zaheen with tales of heroism. Each night she would read Zaheen stories about daring heroics from brave underdogs. She fostered Zaheen’s love for books, movies, comics, tv shows, anime, video games, and all other forms of media. She also instilled in Zaheen the notion that everything in this world deserves respect, and that he should always take the time to help others. That Zaheen should not only follow his own dreams, but help others follow theirs, all while keeping a big smile across his face. Unfortunately Zaheen’s normal life was brought to an end when his mother passed away. His father, as usual, had been away on a business trip, only returning in time to see her pass away. It was then, knowing that the charade could continue no longer, that Hephaestus revealed himself. Still in disbelief from his mother’s death, a shocked Zaheen had a hard time at first believing him, instead rationalizing it all as a wacky dream. He had after all recently watched that documentary on world mythologies, it was far more reasonable to assume that this was all a product of his hyperactive imagination. Yet eventually, Hephaestus was able to convince Zaheen that none of this was a dream. With the few days the God had before his next departure, he taught Zaheen about his Godly gifts and what it meant to be a Demigod. As Zaheen, only 16, was too young to properly accompany his father on his Godly duties, he was instead moved to Olympus Academy, for Hephaestus believed it to be a far better alternative to any orphanage. However before they separated, for what was sure to be a long time, Hephaestus promised Zaheen that one day he would take him under his wing to see the realms of Gods and Legends. Zaheen still eagerly awaits the day he is old enough and mature enough to join his father. However in the meantime, he has immersed himself in the many offerings of Olympus Academy, taking every possible opportunity to learn more. Which, due to his status living on campus, is pretty much every second. In addition, Zaheen has stayed in touch with his father, who often sends him gifts during the holidays. All in all, Zaheen continues to follow his mother’s teachings as he enters the future with a bright smile. [color=#1DA237][u]Extra:[/u][/color] This is a tough one, do I have to pick a Greco-Roman god for that matter? Cause dudes like Lugh are also pretty awesome. Plus is there a reason I can’t pick a monotheistic route like Allah? I’ll have to get back to you on this one. [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Hephaestus, God of the Smithery, Fire and Artisans. [color=#1DA237][u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Unlike many of the Children at Olympus Academy, Zaheen has always had a great relationship with his father. The two of them have worked on many projects over the years, which, although Zaheen now realizes Hephaestus probably could have solved with his eyes closed, always served as a collective learning experience. Even now, at Olympus Academy where there communication has become less frequent, Hephaestus often sends Zaheen new books and small machines to tinker with. [color=#1DA237][u]Godly Abilities:[/u][/color] [i]Rinascimento[/i] - Zaheen is able to intuitively understands a machine just by taking it apart once, effectively allowing him to rebuild and improve it. [i]The First Law[/i] - Much like his father, although understandably weaker, Zaheen can imbue small objects of his own creation, no larger than an action figure, with the ability to move on their own. [i]Legacy of Vulcan[/i] - His father’s control over fire also prevents Zaheen from being hurt by high temperatures or fires.[/hider]