[quote=@Altered Tundra] i just didn't want to be the first one to do it. Anywho, since we're all doing it, I might as well too haha. [@Ruby] - Ever since that X-Men game you ran about a year ago, I've always wanted to do a rp with you, be it 1x1 or group. Too many things got in the way of that, it seemed, be it irl problems or whatever the powers may be. [@Prisk] - Similar situation with Ruby. Your ideas are legit and your writing even more so than that. Plus, from the little times we've talked, you seem like a really chill chick. So, that's always a plus. :3 [@Mr Allen J] - Wonderful writer and you have great ideas involving superhuman-types of roleplays. Laziness is to blame for me never joining any of them or not hitting you up for a possible game. [@Genkai] - I've been stalking your 1x1's for quite a while and you've appealed to me in your friendliness and massive amounts of fandoms you do. [@Orsa Recusant] - Yeah, no explanation needed. We always have a good time when we rp together. Just need to find time for us both to commit to something. [@El Taco Taco] - Wonderful writer, great ideas. I'm regrettably sad that our last go at a game didn't work out too well. Perhaps sometime in the future -- don't know when -- we could try again. [@yoshua171] - Technically we rp a lot together, but still had to add you to this list, because of how awesome you are. [@Nightrunner] - Truthfully, I don't know much about what you're into, but from what I've seen in the rps you joined and wrote for, I liked. That's all that comes to mind at the current moment. [/quote] I'm the WORST at 1x1s. But I run games from time to time (like now) and as Mr. [@Hillan] can attest, I take invites to games I receive very seriously.