[@KatherinWinter]After eyeing up the course a couple of times he reached the conclusion that if he didnt try he wouldnt ever know. He then took a couple of steps forward and raised his hand ,which made a plane in a small town in brazil spontaneoudly combust and crash where it was discovered empty (the passangers found themselves sitting in cairo shortly afterwards), announcing that he would like a go. He turned to the steps and felt his body strengthen as it automatically filled with power. He ran towards thr steps and bounded across them with ease. When he got to the log he wished he'd of watched the others as he had no clue of what to do. He was momentarily stumped until he thought of a way that might work. It was the first thing that popped into his head so he tried it, in two giant bounds he jumped onto the top of the log croching in the ring ontop of it and on to the other side stumbling as he landed on the ground. He looked at his leg snd realised it mustve broken or something but had healed itself slmost immediately. It still hurt however but he just clenched his teeth and continued. The next obstacle was the bridge. As soon as hr stepped onto the unstable surface his bad leg buckled and srnt the bridge twisting all the way round. On his belly and Holding on for dear life a plan was thought up in his head. 'We are allowed to use our powers eh?' He muttered to himself. Carefully tapping into his powers (as he didnt want to lose control and burn the bridge or anything) his legs snapped onto the bridge and stuck there. He would have smiled at his success in controlling his power but keeping it controlled wasnt so difficult.he thrn slowly walked to the other side and got of the bridge releasing the power. Now... the swing. He grabbed hold of one side of it with bosth hands and fid a classic tarzan swing over. He looked at the strange arch with a curious stare then shrugged so much order was strange hed given up questioning little things. He did the easiest thing it looked like you could do. He hooked the rings on the bars and pulled himself up ontop where he ran as fast as his leg could take over before the framework collapsed. He looked at the horn ontop of the final obstacle, the wall, and decided there was no point wasting time on other methods so he leaped stupidly high into the air and landed on top, forgetting about his leg whivh sent jolts of pain up his body, he then collapsed with the horn in his hand which he blew while on the floor.