So, no screenshots of this, and I forgot to take the seed. I was too amazed at what was going on at the time to even think of saving it for later. Playing as ???, this is my second or third time with him. First few floors, nothing spectacular, just meat and guppys head, which is a great replacement for poop. Lot of stuff which extends my range. I then get Ipecac. This runs playstyle has changed very dramatically. Because I can explode walls, I find lotsa secret rooms. One of these rooms has a luck-up pill. I get bucket of lard, because, why the hell not. At this point my speed is at one. I keep going down. I find so many luck-up pills that my luck stat fills the entire bar. It's a miracle. I then get a passive that increases my tear damage up close, yet rapidly diminishes it from far away. This causes as many problems as you would expect, though the damage when far away is enough to one-shot most enemy's. Because of being able to kill most enemy's before they get close to me, I now have a small armada of blue flies. It goes from cardinal directions to pentagram to being a solid wall of flies. My tear rate is now incredibly high, after the screw, belt, and a torn picture. When I'm sluggishly moving through some mushrooms, I get mini-mush. My shots are now even harder to predict, awesome, but at least I'm faster. In the same room, I smash the next mushroom, and I get the magic mushroom. At this point, almost every single stat is at full bars, and my damage is far beyond it. I am the most deadly corpse of a little boy to ever walk in it's mother's basement. An incredibly short fight with mother later (8 tears or so) and I'm breezing through the womb. What my reality defying explosion tears don't kill, my army of blue flies do. I get to [i]It Lives[/i] As my flies swarm it, I run up to it, and launch a single tear. It dies, and I'm reduced to half a heart. Going into the Cathedral, I spy an empty wall, perhaps a secret room? I misjudged the distance of my tears, and I kill myself in the resulting explosion. I then remember this thread, and rush to write it all down.